
That’s the part that hurts for me - Cap represents American ideals, but jeez, he got that way by doping. Maria Sharapova just proved that athletic foundations don’t tolerate super-soldier serums anymore.

Now playing

We can’t just mention it. It’s too great a scene.

Please tell me we now get to see Putin doing a photo op on the deck of a cardboard aircraft carrier with a giant mission accomplished banner in the background.

I lasted two nights with the puppy in a crate next to my bed. On the third the sobs were so heartrending that I gave up, reached down and plunked him on the bed. The scheming little bastard gave a squeak of joy, squeezed himself in between my ear and shoulder, and promptly began to snore.

Our bed sleeper is a dachshund/peke mix. On the bed she takes up approximately 27 square feet. She also has to be touching at least one of us while she sleeps.

My 20lbs Jack Russell somehow turns into a 250lbs Mastiff when he gets into the bed. It’s an incredible transformation.

Yep. I left my wife with our new puppy for a week when I had a business trip. Came home and the puppy was sitting on my pillow giving me this look like "oh you sleep here too?"

If you do not want a bed sleeping dog do not, I repeat do not, fall for the whining in the crate the first night. Oh, you think, the little puppy is scared and alone and one night in the bed won’t hurt anyone. Thirteen years later and that dog is still hogging the covers.

Snyder: “I need a new stadium plan!”

I’ve often said the only thing missing from the Fedex field experience is a dedicated mosquito preserve on premises.

So if someone had gone up to a professor and claimed they saw you cheating on an exam, you wouldn’t expect them to need evidence beyond an accusation to expel you? And maybe they wait a year to make the accusation. And maybe you used to be really tight with this person but now you aren’t for whatever reason.

Wait a minute, Your completely overlooking key factors that put to question this being a “Rape”. Factors such as her taking a year to come forward, that she came back the same day to sleep with him again AFTER the so-called Rape. You have her word vs his and while you would want to side with the girls version, her

How do you know it was rape? She waited a year to file the complaint and never went to police. Then he was expelled by a kangaroo court on flimsy evidence.

Of course it was done by a man, it’s a legal statement, not a delicious thanksgiving dinner

Are you a dunce? They were hooking up prior to this ‘event’. She came BACK and slept with him after the ‘event’.

I just know this was written by a feminist who made up her mind about this kid before she even read the article. Disgusting

I’m not sure why you are saying “somehow makes the rape OK”—the lawyer is not claiming the rape was ok, they are representing their client’s statement that the earlier account was consensual.

Just guessing based on numbers, probably, but you’re kidding yourself if you think women aren’t capable of writing that. Lawyers are vicious.

So, because they had sex prior to the rape, that somehow makes the rape OK?

I believe it is not at all saying rape is “OK”, what it is saying is that it’s very odd that if she was indeed raped then why would she return hours later to his room and his bed. Seems that a man or a woman could ask this actual reasonable question.