
If a bracket leek keeps us from having to watch Charles Barkley try to use a touchscreen display again I am all for it.

You call this a leak? I can’t jerk off to this.

Now playing

I met Bruce at a hotel downroute during his Astreus years - I think it was somewhere in the Canaries but it was a long time and a crate full of alcohol ago so I wouldn’t bet my life on it - and he’s awesome.

What did Iron Maiden ever do to you? I’m not a fan, but I think the plane is cool as all hell! I hope they can get it fixed and fly it again. And I think the attitude of the band is fantastic! I half expected them to rage about the incompetent ground crew. But they didn’t. They were cool about the whole thing and

I’m not even a fan of theirs but this comment is so so stupid. They write and perform music that people have been liking for decades, what the hell could possibly be wrong with that?

You might not like the band, but if you don’t understand why so many people love the music of some of the most talented musicians the world has ever seen, that’s just being ignorant of the amount of work that actually goes into their songs.

I mean seriously, getting three guitarists to work together and not try to

Having Danica as your driver is bad luck enough.

There might be something to the Danica Patrick angle.....

That would be my best guess as well. And as a sailor, I must bow my head a bit, because that really seems like a shitty way to go for a sailor...regardless of origin.

I see that and raise you this. Charlie Neal, Hank Aaron, Ted Williams, Stan Musial, and Willie Mays. 4 of the 10 greatest hitters to ever live, and one other dude.

Here’s a picture of Babe Ruth and Ty Cobb.

You're thinking of OJ Simpson

I fucking hate that I agree with this.

I love being a Hooker. By far the strongest and most versatile in the Army’s inventory.

And, regardless of the what the rules are in California, the fact remains that all people know that buses always get the right of way, because they’re buses. This is one of the first screw-ups for the robotic car, and it’s because the robotic car doesn’t have any fear for its own safety. This is one of the few times a

So the Gooexus made a last second decision? It found itself in the wrong lane and instead of doing the SMART thing and continuing the right turn, and re-routing itself, it tried to force its way back into traffic.

Good point. My bad. I’m not going to edit that so everyone can make fun of it. I might learn something from it.

It was only a bus. Those are hard to see. I’m sure it would have been different if, say, a motorcycle were there instead. If my son was killed on a motorcycle by an autonomous Google car... I’d own Bezos. Well, lawyers would own most of him, but I’d get my pound or more. And that is why these things have an uphill

We have finally achieved Maximum Metal.