
I’d almost be willing to bet folding money that you don’t own a TV.

Just fuck ALL of this sick, violent mass-misogyny masquerading as a “sport” anyway ya know ?? Shouldn’t we collectively be so totally over enriching billionaire owners & millionaire rapist, murderer “athletes” for some dubious form of “entertainment” anyway ??

Because Los Angeles, and California in general, has never thrown money at that problem before and had it disappear into a black hole. No sirree.

As a native of Inglewood I can tell you I hate that joke. Every time I meet someone new and I tell them I’m from Inglewood, 99.99% of the time they say, “Oh Inglewood, Inglewood always up to no good.” And I say, “Yup, that’s what the song says.”

But I’ve always been told that all of those fine, upstanding citizens of the greater South Central Los Angeles area are just victims of white supremacist heteronormative privilege, and that if we dismiss our stereotypes and biases we’ll all live in peace and harmony. Surely you’re not suggesting they’d be of a mind to

Cena, especially in the last year, has changed his style to complement the new wave of talent. He’s introduced new moves, experimented with things (the springboard stunner sucks, but at least he’s trying something difference), and played off his opponents’ moves well.

A “work” is a wrestling term for when something looks real, or they do everything they can to make it look real, but it isn’t real. The term comes from the idea of “working” the audience to get a desired reaction. For example, Ric Flair beats Hulk Hogan to a pulp with a chair and forces Hogan to the sidelines for two

In the Racist Department, they’ll work you like a slave.

Trust me when I say that you REALLY don’t want to see Broncos and Bitches 3.

When I saw the “30 For 30: The Minnesota Vikings Sex Scandal” was coming on, I assumed it’d be on ESPN and not the porn channel.

Yes, and no they won’t care. The Patriots are kind of a “neutral” team. They don’t play them that often, so it really doesn’t matter. Especially if you’re not obnoxious (as in most cities, I’d guess), you’ll be fine.

As a football fan, a very knowledgeable football fan, all I ask is that if you don’t know anything about football to please not fake it. And don’t fucking yapyapyapyapyapyapyapyap during the game. Go in the kitchen or go outside if you’re going to do that.

I believe the official version was that the design firm tasked with coming up with the logo simply could not make “L” work. Something about it being too skinny and/or awkward when it came to putting it in a workable format. They supposedly went through a number of different designs before going with the numbers.

“Super Bowl XXX” sounds like it could have been some kind of scat porn video.

For Guy No. 2, I’d write this off as a drunken slopfest. Even if you think she likes you, she doesn’t want to be with you. There’s a big difference there. As the advice guy said, this WILL end badly, and you’ll be all alone.

For guy No. 1, is it possible for this to be a friends with benefits situation?

Dude #2: I think his story should have started out with:

Tanks are usually transported by train over large distances to save them from wearing out.

If that’s intended to keep people from talking on their phones while doing their business, that’s goddamn terrific.

I hear they’re teaming up for the He-Man reboot and calling it “Marsters of the Universe.”