
Sadly, we can’t get close enough to Roger Goodell’s face to put that theory to its best test.

As opposed to all of those dumbass 1980s defenses who said, “Nah, don’t cover that Rice guy. He sucks.”

Everyone knows that everyone you meet on the internet is a rapist/murderer/pedophile/stalker. Since my wife and I met through, it’s good that we cancel each other out.

The eyes in a mugshot often tell the story. Some of them, you can tell they’re scared, or resigned to their fate, or that they are people who view human life like most people view bugs. Her eyes look lost and overwhelmed. His ... his are just creepy as hell. Maybe not stone cold killer eyes, but definitely the eyes of

You missed his point entirely. It’s not enough to simply be in COMPLIANCE.

I think it’s scary/weird/bad because for every legitimate claim of sexual assault there are probably 50 that are he said/she said at best, and drunken regretfests more likely. But, since it’s drilled into every young woman’s head nowadays that sex = rape the accusations and subsequent lawsuits are going to increase.

I think you’ve got this wrong. They’re not banning drones, they’re banning General Grievous from the premises.

Don’t forget that time Doug Masters and Chappy Sinclair brought an entire Middle Eastern dictatorship to its knees and assassinated its leader with just two of them. That alone puts it in the pantheon.

Usually it ends far worse when the cops go to the pistol formation.

That’s one way of looking at it.

When Wallace’s father, the legendary CBS “60 Minutes” anchor Mike Wallace, died in 2012, he said Snyder and his wife, Tanya, were the only couple to mail him flowers and a condolence note.

That’s really what I was getting at earlier, was he could have taken or contested some of the staging areas and made it more difficult to move our forces into the area. I’m sure we’d have found a way, and the actual shooting part of the war was such a mismatch that it’s obvious how it would have gone regardless, but

Oh, I doubt he could have taken Saudi Arabia. Like you said, too much territory and the Saudis I think had enough military capability to not be pushovers. Plus, the reason we were able to outflank them was because the Iraqis themselves didn’t have the capability to go through that part of the desert, so they reckoned

Saddam’s first big mistake was, obviously, invading Kuwait. His second big mistake was not invading Saudi Arabia. Maybe his army wasn’t up for it, but he could have at least denied it to the U.S. as a secure staging area in the early days of the conflict. Sitting there for five months with all of his guns pointing in

There’s a smelling the air tax in California, Chip. Please fork over 5 percent of your paycheck and feel bad about yourself for depriving those less fortunate than your 1 percenter ass of precious oxygen.

It’d probably be on hold until all of the court cases play out, but I always thought the video games were a perfect way for the NCAA to kick some money back to players. Whatever their licensing fee or cut from the game is, put it in a fund of some sort. Every player in the game gets an equal cut.

Look, Trump is obviously a blowhard. But he didn’t really say he’d “force” Apple to do anything. My take on that sentence is, even though he’s clearly appealing to a populist notion to bring jobs back to America and using language to that effect, what he has in mind is more along the lines of tax incentives or other

But when you’re running late for a convention, you have to tell yourself, “I don’t care what you smell, you big furry oaf! Just get in there!”

This Clone Trooper is sad because, despite killing 13 Jedi, he STILL got picked last at kickball.

Always loved the story Norman Schwarzkopf told in his autobiography about paying for Desert Storm. It seems there was some sort of miscommunication between the Americans and Saudis about paying for something or other, and it was causing some tension. The Saudis weren’t ignoring the bill — which was about $60 million,