
No discounts at hotels. Only the seafood department of grocery stores.

Are you sure you’re not thinking of Roger Goodell in that candy-baby scenario?

True, but there are those few special individuals in this world, like Steve from West Monroe, who can sprint the whole damn marathon.

My first gaming disappointment was SimEarth for the SNES.

That’s what Burfict has planned for when Brown comes over the middle in their next meeting.

Let’s just hope the part in bold doesn’t read “Defendant”

After watching the replay several times, I think Adam Jones was penalized for excessive physical contact with a ref even though it was kind of incidental. When Jones went to shove Porter, an official was in front of him and Jones sandwiched the guy between himself and another player. The official threw the flag

Esteyban? The guy selling cheap guitar lessons on the Home Shopping Network? Is this a subliminal plug for his products?

This drives me nuts. Is it that hard to put a return before either “not” to “$4.3" and make the line break cleaner?

Lots of students have to work part-time or student jobs, either for extra cash or to pay their tuition, room and board, etc. It’s part of being a college student. You sacrifice a bit for four or five years to better yourself for the next 50.

Funny, I didn’t realize the NFL was the only business that used America’s colleges as a training and proving ground for people seeking employment in its industry.

Steelers had all three timeouts so they still would’ve had about 1:20 left, even if they’d have needed a touchdown. Plus the field goal would have been from 45-50 yards, in the rain, so it wasn’t a gimme.

Well, casino tips and waiter tips are two different things entirely. I tip pretty well at restaurants as long as the service isn’t absolute garbage. In casinos, even though it’s still entertainment I still get competitive. I want to win. And when I don’t, I’m not going to reward the person — even if it’s not really

Don’t tip the dealer unless you’re winning. As others pointed out, they’re already trying to take your money and probably doing a pretty good job of it. There’s no need to help them along if you’re getting your ass kicked.

Publicly proclaiming you’re avoiding books by white male authors: Yay! Good for you! You’re so enlightened and so progressive! You get cool points and a gold star!

Jesus, dude, you’re not even going to tell us which code unlocks the porn stash?

My cousin, who has launched a second career as a movie and TV extra post-retirement, has a very small speaking role in ID4: Resurgence. So I’ll probably see it to play “See if we can spot the cousin.”

I thought only Hank Pym beat his wife?

Is this a still from Episode III, or the Star Wars Porn Parody?

They’re in newspapers. Most of them make at least $2 an hour, thank you very much.