
Facing a stiff deadline, Drew prepares to write his column defending the glory and honor of Thanksgiving turkey.

Dear Mosquito Penthouse,

The guy in the e-mail was basically talking about getting a blow job from a mosquito.

A while back I decided to go out and get some exercise by throwing a Nerf football, chasing after it, picking it up and throwing it again, etc., all the way down the field. Weird, I know, but I figured it was more fun than just running wind sprints and I’d work some upper body muscles.

Reach out to them all you want. Doesn’t change what they are now.

We can have World War III without it going nuclear.

The little throwaway lines and moments in the Rocky movies are always the best. Two of my favorites:

I have always loved that hat fling. It is just an absolutely perfect, pissed-off line drive, followed by the door kick. Absolutely awesome.

I don’t mind it as much as others as sort of epilogue to Rocky IV, and a bridge to the slightly more upbeat Rocky Balboa. It was a brief but important chapter in Rocky’s life where he transitioned to a post-boxing career and got back on his feet.

Rocky V is obviously not a well-liked movie, but damn if it doesn’t have some tre-fucking-mendous quotes.

So this boils down to Manning isn’t as good as Brady in the playoffs (which, outside of Brady’s first three seasons, you’d be amazed at how similar their postseason numbers are), so Manning sucks.

Outside of his Super Bowl seasons, you know who else has a losing record in the playoffs?

He played 10 years in the NFL after being picked in the first round. Ten very, very productive years. How was his career made “shorter” in any way, shape or form?

He actually got taken with the 23rd pick in the draft. And had a very good 10-year career in the NFL. I think Willis McGahee turned out OK.

If your job decided to stop paying you in cash and start paying you with free college courses, I’m sure you’d be cool with it.

Lots of people generate tons of money for their companies and only see a fraction of it. It’s how the world works. It’s called having a job.

So let’s look at this from just the athletic standpoint and ignore any actual classes a guy like Ezekiel Elliott — an elite player who is likely to play in the NFL — might take.

Just thank God no one started throwing bombs.

If you’ve ever watched one NASCAR race, the end of Days of Thunder just makes no sense.