Captain SuperTongue is a tremendous porn name.
Captain SuperTongue is a tremendous porn name.
I thought there have always been plenty of Blackhawks fans around Chicago, but they’d soured on the ownership and years of mediocrity in the 50 years between Cups. They didn’t go away, as it were, they were just in hibernation.
I did mention his sons. Hard to believe Cody is going on 10 years in WWE already, but I singled out Dustin because he (or Goldust, to be more precise) is practically an icon in his own right at this point.
Isn’t that the same as when any celebrity dies? None of us actually know these people, but it doesn’t stop us from shedding a tear or being a little saddened that someone who contributed to something we enjoy — and even our own lives, in an abstract sense — is gone.
Fake Hogan is a guy named Curtis Axel (in real life, Mr. Perfect’s son) and fake Macho Man is a guy named Damien Sandow.
I saw a few who were pretty emotional. Paige was wiping away some tears, and Stephanie McMahon looked like she was doing the “stare at the ceiling bit” to fight them off. Seth Rollins was closing his eyes, too, probably doing the same as Stephanie. Big Show and Kane had respectful looks toward the end.
The hell you say! A 40-year veteran; an accomplished wrestler; one of the most respected not just workers, but men, in the industry; a guy who was literally winning championships before the guys he was helping train now were even alive; an icon of the business, one of the 10 or 15 most recognizable wrestlers of the…
Rhodes—who died Thursday—actually only spent a short amount of time in what was then WWF, but the sports entertainment monster has consumed many of the smaller promotions in which Rhodes made his name as a wrestler.
No idea who Egoraptor is, but my money’s on Lucas Barton.
Darko still has one more championship ring than Carmelo.
First Jordan Crawford, and now this. It’s obvious Lebron is just racist toward camera people.
Good idea in theory, but that might actually be unconstitutional. No idea of the case law on that, I’m sure some of the Gawker lawyers around here can clarify, but denying the right to counsel could be construed as a violation of the sixth amendment. Plus, does the definition of “free lawyer services” include public…
He’s referring to the argument about why college athletes should be paid. One of them suggested they should be, because they couldn’t afford to eat.
Second time in this series Bishop has shit all over himself.
Well, to be fair, football is hardly the only thing he sucks at.
This is just completely sad though, no thought or effort he was just like ‘What have we got I can use? Any power tools? Also, hey grab that cinder block by the dumpster.’ It’s like watching an entertainer who’s just given up and just rolls out any old crap nowadays.
Chris Matthews would happily provide in-depth analysis. He’d probably do nothing but bash the referees, though.
So for $500 I can have Ric Flair come to my house and cut a promo to get my day started!?
On the one hand: it’s a joke. Lighten up. One of the commenters last night asked, post-LeBron/Camera collission as LeBron is clearly in pain, if the cut in his head meant he was going to bring back the headband. This is what these guys do.
Sure, Flair is a shell of his former self, but look at the bright side. Thanks to that brief appearance, six of his wives got another alimony check and the IRS made a few thousand bucks that’ll help pay off his massive tax burden. So there is that.