
Saw this in the theater when it came out, the theater was PACKED because it was so hyped up. When the ending happened, someone in the audience said “That was it?” and half or more of the audience broke up laughing.

I remember going to the theater with some friends and we decided we would either see The Haunting or The Blair Witch Project.

There would be no winners this day.

Live in Texas.

My cars (CTS, Expedition) are just the right size for two adults and three daughters that will kill each other if squished together for so long and the road trips we take.

Not to mention that if a dev does try to add some weird, hard to find secret it’ll just be datamined and ruin the surprise.

Diesel? How about just a V8?..

Too cheap? Nah, you’re just not ready to enter Thunderdome to fight for a set.


Being a judgmental dickwad does not mean you are correct.

So you have no idea what big tires are good for? Absolutely none? Are you really that obtuse or just trolling? Also, I’d like to know what counts as jacked up an huge. Because Jeeps come with 33"s from the factory, and Raptos have 35"s but those are both stock. I’m guessing you know what Jeeps are known for.

Wider tires give you a wider contact patch, not a bigger one. Air pressure and circumference are what determines contact patch size.  

When you start sinking into the mud, we’ll revisit this discussion on skinny tires vs fat tires.

Depends on the snow depth and type. If you get over say 15 inches you want something that can float over the snow instead of cutting through.

Negative. My squarebody looks great with 37s that are 12.5-14.5" wide. Never had a single issue with not being able to get somewhere wishing I had the tires from a ford courier on it.

This is Jalopnik, a media site focused on cars, based in the first world, with an audience that’s comprised primarily of first-world inhabitants. What’s your point?

You’re talking from a first world perspective. You think that no one buys new cars in in third world shitholes? Did you know that I can own 5 old ass pos beaters for a LOT cheaper than a 5 y/o shitbox doing my own work with my own tools? I was personally offended by your prejudice comment Vin. You call me arrogant,

I thought about boats! But I think any vehicle you can’t drive directly out of your garage and start playing with requires a little too much commitment for me haha.

I have 7 vehicles with a total cost of less than the average new single car :/

“Motorcycles are even more dramatically purpose-focused than cars are. Meaning that if a bike is great off-road, it might be pretty miserable on asphalt.”

I see what you mean but disagree with the sentiment.