Kevin Bovee

Ok, so let’s summarize:

It plays into the insecurities of a certain small subset of Tesla owners, I think.

It’s not. But it’s polarizing and divisive so journalists bloggers are all over it.

Is this a made up problem? Other than the only actual picture of one event, how prevalent is this?

Its frustrating to be sure, but towing these trucks out of the way is just going to result in violence. The kind of bro-truck, redneck mentality that leads to them ICE-ing, comes with a hearty helping of macho posturing as well. 

I’m all for catching the “bad guy” but claiming the spike strips weren’t the cause of the accident is BS. The driver swerved because they saw them, hit them anyways, and added to the vehicle losing control. Just like police shouldn’t shoot into a crowd of innocents to get a perp they shouldn’t use strips when the

The technically correct (the best kind of correct) response would be that he would not have had to make any correction at all, had the spike strips not been there. Therefore, from my point of view, the spike strips and thus the police, did cause the accident.

Anyone else have issues with their statements?

Deductible... ? Argument can be made that using spike strips in on that road was negligent on their part. I’d be pissed if I had a fairly late model vehicle that was now needing major collision repair... In addition to maybe being totaled and imparting additional costs to me outside of insurance. ie; higher state and

Seriously. And how does anyone think deploying spike strips on a road that has a corridor of stopped cars filled with people is a good idea?

I can confirm this from my Ford days. I can’t remember if it was optional on the 350+, but on the F250s, “Clearance Lights” were an option. At least up until 2015

To me, it sounds like an unholy marriage of an extremely powerful gas-powered weed whacker and a very large colony of Africanized bees.

I wouldn’t say it’s unpopular, unlike how that engine sounds which is...very, very bad, to put it kindly.

This may be an unpopular opinon, but man that V6 engine has yet to sound good in any application. 

Ran when parked. 

To be fair, that 10% option is when you’re most likely to be involved in hairy driving scenarios that can cost you your car.

There’s a turn in my neighborhood where people make illegal u-turns often because of the way the traffic signals operate. I saw a person make an illegal u-turn, then turn right into my neighborhood, driving at the speed limit (25mph) down the street. Keep in mind there are lots of pedestrians, since it’s a

I think the point is: it doesn’t really make a difference to an innocent bystander whether the car that uncontrollably smashes into you has flashing lights or not.

Wow, that is an epic-ally flawed study design. Let’s break this down a bit:

Aren’t their other studies that show that men are more prone to risky behavior? I see there is just a difference in perceived risk vs cost. Otherwise, it also points out that men may be more willing accept lower levels of service.