Kevin Bovee

As someone who does both HPDE and autocross, I can completely understand why kids street race. The amount of time/money you spend to go racing legally is absurd. Even though autocross is cheap and easy, it is absolutely not worth wasting 10 hours in the hot sun for a collective 9 minutes of driving.

Let me start by saying I’m against street racing, weaving through traffic, and general stupidity, although I’ve also been guilty of participating in impromptu speed contests myself in the past when I was young(er) and dumb(er). That said:

I’m curious of a few things... Why did the family never check on this dog during the 3 hour flight? If I leave my dog in the car for more than thirty minutes (which I only do when it’s winter, he has windows down, and the car is in the shade) I’ll check on him. Also, it’s VERY common for bulldogs and other canines

Agreed. For a myriad of reasons, don’t take pets on planes.

Flying with a pet is always a terrible idea. Not only do you have potential horrific human behavior, like this, to deal with, but even in the best of cases the animal is massively stressed.

A few things:
Fuck United’s flight attendant. What an asshole
This is the prime reason I’ll never, ever subject my dog to air travel. I don’t care how big or small, I’m not putting him through something that even I find profoundly unpleasant most of the time.
Could it have had something to do (also) with the breed of

I’ve always deserved it, everytime. I drive like an idiot. I’ve been let off of a ton of tickets too. I’m always surprised when I get let off. I can’t make rhyme or reason of it or what happens that they let me off but I’m always really glad.

Me, trying to decipher this mystery: “...Honda NS...3000GT...Nismo?”

I thought it was a shitty 3000gt body kit or something tried making their own 3000gt.

I think every single one of us would cringe if some of the things we’ve said when we thought no one was listening were recorded for the public. It does seem like the wonderful Aussie people like to cuss quite a bit more than other countries.

The one with the heaver built lower end...

That Bloomberg article is like taking a class in hyperbole and scare-journalism. Probably because the writer rides said train.

“The president is concerned about the viability of this project and the fact that New York and New Jersey have no skin in the game”

It sounds like Trump was wondering why NY and NJ didn’t have ‘any skin in the game’ as much are they putting into it. $1 Billion from them and the Fed puts in the other $29 Billion? And that isn’t even counting the inevitable cost overruns and waste. Obama had mentioned that the Fed would pick up half the

I’m confused. Is Trump a complete moron that can barely string together a coherent sentence without filing for bankruptcy, or is he an evil genius with the knowledge and foresight to intentionally depress the property values of one of the largest urban corridors in the world for personal enrichment?


1. Although this is friendly, this is wrong. He is supposed to uphold the law. Stunting is illegal and is an arrestible offense if the subject keeps doing it when an officer tells him not to.

We live in a world where a cop who gets caught on video being friendly is disciplined while others that get caught on video actually murdering people are unpunished.