No kidding. Ya think? But sometimes you have to bust a move. A traffic merge is one of those things where you will NEVER merge if you don’t try.
The driver probably got tired of the cop just sitting there. WITHOUT his turn signal, no less.
Sadly most drivers today haven’t the slightest idea what “yield” means...
well in defense... what the hell was the cop doing just sitting there? Waiting on an invitation?! I feel the road rage just watching that... GOOOOOOOOO!!!!!
Yeah, I mean don’t go around them, but there really wasn’t any need for the cop to be stopped there, they have a lane in front of them, so pull into it, and merge at speed rather than trying to do it from a stop.
I think the LED taillights might depends largely on how Tesla is going to handle servicing. There is a reason that those plain round taillights are so standard. It’s because you can buy them off the shelf of any truck parts store anywhere in the US. And I imagine they see frequent abuse from trucks running into…
The obvious question is how do you handle electric vehicles? They still use roads.
No victim, no crime. Damaging property or injuring others in any state should certainly be illegal, but just driving at .08 BAC or beyond, by itself with nothing else occurring, should not be illegal.
The long term problem seems to be that these mandated MPG increases have been demanded at the same time as increased mandatory safety minimums and market driven power increases. Automakers are currently on a treadmill with regard to fuel economy.
You forgot to sign it “The Tolerant, Accepting, Liberal Left”
Nice broad brush that you use there to paint all people with who may have select viewpoints opposite to yours.
Or, stay with me on this one, the customer could have been up front about the situation and worked with the poor guy trying to make a living and feed himself. How hard would it have been to give a little detail... unless the customer was clueless to what he had. In that case, 1) he should have said that and 2)…
“I’m driving a grey car in grey lighting on grey roads with no headlamps. What could possibly go wrong?”
Headlights at a certain time of dusk creates very nasty blindness. bad. Bad. Just use the damned headlamps.
Did you think for a second that the guy may have done other things for the area, he got re-elected over and over :shrug: I’m not going to make apologies for his actions, but he was a democrat, consider me unsurprised.
I’m sure the guy never did anything important that would have led the bridge to be named after him, na couldn’t be, must be because he’s racist.