
Perhaps pragmatic way forward is to deep dive into everything that has come out of the Mueller report. Continue to discuss impeachment while exposing all this other stuff to bolster the case. Have Mueller up to the hill. Also anyone else who seems to have a significant finger in this shit pie, including Trump kids and

Weird that he claims this was a witch hunt and that he did nothing wrong, but the mere fact he was being investigated made him immediately think he was going down hard.

This is the best scene from the best MCU drama. Guardians wins the comedy category, but Winter Soldier is by far the best drama.

Everytime I read French Tuck I see it as TRENCH FUCK. Sounds like some old timey don’t ask don’t tell shenanigans!

I Florida tuck - no shirt at all, handcuffs in the back. Plus meth.

Puritanism: The feat that someone, somewhere, might be having a good time somehow.

. . . Well, I guess if we’re looking for silver linings, I appreciate that for once someone in the anti-abortion movement is being candid. Even accepting his logic, however (which, to be clear, I do not):

I think his slaves would have something to say about that “self made” claim.

Same. I’m literally sitting here with my jaw hanging open.

I’m honestly astounded that this isn’t satire.

My son was six when this came out and had seen some of the other movies at home, but got a little freaked out by some of the scarier scenes, so I didn’t take him to this one either. I saw it, drove home, told him and my wife to get dressed, and drove right back to the theater with them. I watched him instead of the

Don’t make me help Fred Durst

Thank god. It’s bad enough having 4.0 I6 jeeps tailgate me and drive aggressively. I don’t need Fred Durst lookalikes roaming around in 700hp mall-crawlers with 6 inch lifts ok, I can’t just watch someone crash and not stop to help. Don’t make me help Fred Durst or people who look like him 

This is a baffling fucking comment.

I think it’s more “Meh” than very bad. It’s actually amazing they haven’t made a movie I wanted to skip during my recent re-watch of them all. This and Thor 2 aren’t great but they’re still totally watchable and have moments.

That is a really good point. Howard was passive enough to take Tony’s arrogance waiting for the brilliance.

Apart from Dorian Gray’s anxiety, Ms. Kelly’s dog, Lola, now shakes even when the jackhammers are idle. The cat living at No. 66, Titania of the Greil, is “overgrooming” and fighting irritable bowel syndrome, while Meadow at No. 51 is a “nervous wreck.”

Fair, I suppose

To be fair, he’s not ranking superhero films, he’s picking the most important one. And as much as I love Spider-Verse, I would argue (as Tom has) that Black Panther is the more important film.

Look I like BP too but if we're ranking movies there's no way Spider-Verse isn't top spot. I can think of numerous problems with BP whereas I'm stymied for ideas at S-V.