That’s a wonderful April Fools! That’s a good memory to have. Remembering your parents telling you they’re giving away your dog is a horrible one.
That’s a wonderful April Fools! That’s a good memory to have. Remembering your parents telling you they’re giving away your dog is a horrible one.
It’s crazy that he didn’t have his caddy “adjusting” his positioning for him (when a dude is on a cart you always forecaddy, super easy to make some, uh, “fixes”) but then you remember that Trump probably didn’t tip for shit for his caddies so why bother with the effort
Another anecdote from the book is that the caddies at one of the clubs Trump belonged to grew so accustomed to him kicking his ball onto fairways that they nicknamed him “Pele.”
I think in your first article about Tia, it was mentioned they had a “trained psychic” on board. Not an untrained psychic, mind you, but a trained one.
My parents are big into April Fools Day. As adults, they have a tendency to text my brother and I that they’ll just meet us at the restaurant, or that Nana is expecting us at 2, and we always fall for it.
I feel now that I have to tell the story of my father who, knowing that I was naive, gullible and an animal lover, pulled the exact same April Fool’s trick on me EVERY YEAR from age...9 to about 17 and then one last time when I was 21. He would wake me up at about 5 am, bursting into the room and saying “J! J! Wake…
My dad poured milk for us into glasses that had a few drops of blue food coloring. Voila! Blue milk on April Fools Day! No one cried, but we did frequently plead for a repeat performance. My dad will never win Dad of the Year and even he is better than these schmoes.
My first reaction when I first heard about it was“Your plan use a business model designed to encourage people to sign up for recurring billing and forget/never use the service but then market it to people who specifically want high touch individualized medical care and then only hire one doctor?”
I found the tackiest shirt I could at Goodwill and wrapped it up for our teenage daughter's birthday. We have a scary doll we move from bed to bed. None of this has scarred our children
That’s cute and wholesome. Which is what family pranks should be? Never understood the joy of doing something genuinely cruel or painful to someone you love. Spritz of water from that rubber band trick? Fine. Making someone think their beloved dog is being taken away? Unforgivable.
Now that’s a good dad. :)
I’d prefer the Scanners version of a stroke.
Oh cool, Borderlands 3 comes to Steam just in time for it to be cheap enough for me to buy it.
Lawrence has on occasion brought up what others are opining about here and what happens he refuses to concede. Thing is that isn’t up to him. If he loses, come 1/20/21 he will no longer be President as laid down in the Constitution, and could literally have to be physically removed (literally dragged out even).
I wouldn’t have been worried about what happens when Trump refuses to accept the results of the election before McConnell refused to allow Obama to replace a supreme court justice and Trump was allowed to place two rabid conservatives on the bench. To say nothing of the other justices that the GOP have been filling…
What will happen
ifwhen he loses in 2020 and doesn’t accept the results? Who knows!
This post and some of the comments aren’t quite right. Lightfoot got into the race because of her criminal justice reform credentials. She led a post-Laquan McDonald task force that laid bare the Chicago Police Department’s institutional racism, creating the blueprint for the federal Justice Department report that…