She’s not going to date you, Don. Give it a rest.
Holy moly. You’ve outdone yourself.
The Republican President isn’t just exercising psychological projection, he’s the example you hold up to explain to someone what psychological projection is.
Ted Cruz doppelganger
At least it was a phrase in German that JFK messed up.
Remember when John F Kennedy was mocked for maybe calling himself a donut in a speech? Instead we’re stuck with this asshole for a mouth.
This case kind of fascinates me (as did the faux Rockefeller, who pulled his scam off for 20 years - including a long marriage).
She doesn’t care what any of us think. We are the peasants; she is the gentry. She, more than any other member of the Trump administration (saying a lot), is determined to establish an honest to god official aristocracy in the US.
I read your comment. I disagree. Is everything you disagree with disingenuous or stupid?
Her gesticulating is giving me life. Straight up New York.
So we should let the perfect be the enemy of the good. Got it.
Right... so we should do nothing.
She bursts a lot of bubble beliefs about who should and shouldn’t be smart and respectable. Latina women who aren’t rich and didn’t attend elite schools and worked menial labor jobs in their recent past are not supposed to be intelligent and certainly aren’t to be respected and listened to.
At least now you know that the composition in the senate is actually 57-43
Everything AOC is saying in the clip is shit I’ve been saying for years to some of my more conservative family members and they don’t even have an adequate response. But, facts are a partisan issue now, so if science isn’t Republican, fuck it!
Kochs Kochs Kochs Kochs Kochs.
Check me out luxuriating in my ground floor apartment living below sea level with a wall of dirt holding back a river that’s been above flood stage for like three weeks now I wonder what the common people are doing?
“Science should not be partisan”