
Tons of people I knew saw it in theater. The reason it’s so forgotten is that it had no memorable characters or performances, no memorable lines, and a very generic plot. People saw it in theaters for the visuals, which is also why it’s presumably gotten much less TV airtime/streaming views/rental views than movies of

Because clearly land area and cows should elect our leader as opposed to actual people.

Thor: Ragnorak is my favorite superhero movie of the year personally. It’s so damn impressive that in one movie, Taiki took the blandest, least interesting hero in the MCU and made him the best part of it. Of all of the original Avengers, Thor is the one I most want to see stick around for more movies in Phase 4. I

That's what's happening in North Korea now. The few who've managed to defect have stories that will break your brain 

In hindsight it’s pretty clear that Trump’s 2015 “I like people who don’t get caught” comment about McCain was a watershed moment for the GOP. Until that point, Trump had of course said a lot of horrible and stupid things, but he hadn’t really attacked and disgraced anything that the GOP held as absolute sacrosanct.

I wonder if there are long-term consequences to mental health after this much cognitive dissonance. I swear I read some point about people losing their sanity in the USSR during the pre-war purges, when people had to continually reconcile the government being 100% benevolent and amazing and it simultaneously deporting

I really hope they recast Batman and Superman and make new movies and have the same Wonder Woman and Aquaman interacting with them eventually without even mentioning it. For me, this would be going full comic book, where different artists draw different characters differently and none of the characters, in universe,

Completely agree with every one of your points (can we be besties IRL?). Gadot, bless her heart, delivers lines like she’s reading them for the first time. In acting school. That said, with WW it’s hard to yuck someone’s yum, given how f*cking overdue a female-led superhero film was. 

It’s interesting that the “other things” section makes it abundantly clear that while 2017 had several much BETTER superhero movies than WW - which I largely think, I’m sorry to say, is relatively mediocre in terms of plotting, writing, and acting (and CGI), although it has some VERY good scenes (Gadot’s “Christopher

Aunt Linda is that you? 

Emily’s Mom: Looks across table at friends playing bridge and sips drink “Fuck, I got shitcanned today!”

Before kale became a thing, Pizza Hut was the largest kale purchaser in the USA for this reason. 

There’s actually 2 Del Tacos in Orlando, but it seems wiser to stay near the source.

at no point did they ever say HOW MUCH of the pesticides were found nor what the safe levels of them are

Kale is used to hide the ice on a cold buffet, then is taken back to the pantry and washed to be used again the next day. It is not to be eaten

Not only that, but it specifically mentions “almost 60 percent of the kale samples showed residual Dacthal, a pesticide that is known as a possible human carcinogen.” 

You find me someone who thinks there is even the slightest chance he will finish them and I’ll show you someone who has participated in at least three MLM businesses and owns no less than four weeks at a timeshare in Myrtle Beach.

No, you were right. People have two beefs with the later seasons of the show (and especially the last season): that it’s less about political intrigue and more about the Battle for the Dawn 2: Electric Boogaloo; and that the pace is super quick, which really means that characters aren’t engaging in the level of

Rub it on your flippers.

All animals can scream.