This is how you turn a shit sandwich into a hotdish!
This is how you turn a shit sandwich into a hotdish!
I’m pretty sure the white woman GOP voters in my family (Alabamans) vote 100% only based on abortion. They will never vote for someone who admits to being pro-choice. For real. That and they are stealth racists who don’t care about equality. It’s like beating your head against a wall to convince them anything other…
The only acceptable response.
In Indiana, no less.
Trump’s unfunded, vague proposal to go back to the Moon is making the headline; but as always, the story is elsewhere.
I’ve never understood this logic.
After all the Glenn fake-outs I still feel somehow, for some weird reason, Carl will still make it through this. I don’t know how. He’s got more story stuff to go from the comics but I guess it’s possible the actor wants to leave the show considering he’s been doing it for so long and has grown up a bit.
Well, there’s one left that would be a shock... problem is, this episode made that a little trickier.
I’m not racist. I have white friends. Namaste!
Wonder Woman was better-than-average superhero movie, which makes is a mediocre-at-best real movie. I’m sure Patty Jenkins is very talented and I’m sure she did a great job, but it would be really insulting for that movie to receive a nomination for Best Director.
Because all football players are from the ghetto and are incapable of doing anything else worth merit, right?
Honestly it’s buyer beware at this point.
Funfact - The Danish word for timetable is fartplan.
Honestly though, what the fuck did people think “Make America Great Again” meant? People talk about all the ways Trump is divisive, but the divisiveness is RIGHT THERE IN HIS FUCKING SLOGAN PLAIN AS DAY. He is clearly appealing to the desire of White Christians to live in a society that caters to their wants and…
*ahem* check the cover image...
Hell, yes. He should make her notarize his filing.
We literally talk about how we don’t care that Peach is kidnapped in this podcast and how a large part of this issue comes down to tradition. Altho, I think you’re being unfair in saying only opinion writers care about this when the question of whether or not Zelda can be a fighting hero is *literally the story of the…
Polygon ran a similar article the other day regarding consoles for Christmas and giving them to kids a little earlier to offset the time spent on setup and updates.