I truly appreciate and respect how committed you are to this bit, Kate.
Too bad you can’t imprison Tom Nook for all the times he’s swindled you out of Bells.
Jason, you’ve outdone yourself with this article.
Regarding Al Franken: His actions were horrible, but at what point do we can we stop painting everyone with the same brush? He was a comedian, albeit one that I never found particularly funny. He’s clearly joking in the one picture that I saw, and grabbing someone’s butt during a photo in the past sounds like a…
So this came across my twitter feed:
If you watched any of the collected banter on the CBS This Morning set that John Oliver would occasionally show, you really wouldn’t be.
Having my cats consume my dead flesh is my plan for ascending to godhood. Pretty sure I can get the wife onboard with it.
Hey! how about we ban you.
Leeann Tweeden said on CNN today that she accepts Franken’s apology and believes he shouldn’t resign. That really doesn’t fit in with some kind of hit job.
Providing services for citizens, not helping to make the gap between rich and poor even bigger.
Bread and butter issues. Traffic. Water. Housing. Garbage pickup. Animal control. Snow removal. This is what politics needs to get back to - government, not squabbling at each other.
You’re still doing it.
And it won’t scale without attracting the attention of authorities. We can regulate the supply chain. Anybody notice how hard it is to buy Sudafed in the drug store anymore?
I bet Don Jr. wishes he was as strong as his brother Eric. Dude can’t even pet a fluffy rabbit without breaking its neck.
+1 sandwich
Well this is weird because you hardly ever see weird, pointless arguments centered on hot dogs.