Is no one here old enough to remember the fan-boy outrage at the announcement that comedian Michael Keaton would be playing Batman?
Is no one here old enough to remember the fan-boy outrage at the announcement that comedian Michael Keaton would be playing Batman?
To be fair, a Keurig coffee maker becomes completely worthless if you decide to stop supporting Keurig — since their machines will only work with their coffee pods, and Keurig goes to great, great lengths to ensure that it stays that way.
Someone brought up how these people are so damn privileged they can’t even boycott properly. The whole point of a boycott is to stop supporting a business.
Now, I don’t know about you, but I’m damn sure to stop supporting a business you need to stop giving it money. So how the fuck does buying a product just to smash…
Right. The only good thing that came out of this entire situation is the generations of lawyers this spawned in my family. We’ve looked over the entire original “contract” and that thing is about as air tight as I’ve ever seen.
This reminds me of a story all the elders in my family tell. They recall a group of whyte men coming to visit the family farm (cause for alarm). They were understandably nervous as the men began putting “poles” into the land and pulling out a thick black substance. A few weeks go buy and the men come back with “bigger…
My advice: don’t.
And remember, conservationists could still provide all the incredible content that zoos are offering now.
My takeaway. Ban bad zoos, reward the ones doing the lord’s work. I don’t toss the whole bushel because a few apples have worms. This isn’t seaworld. Good research goes on at zoos and animal parks to say nothing of allowing people to see and experience animals that would normally never be seen live outside of the…
I’m still not sure what happened here, but I think I enjoyed it?
And the winner for Best Beta Boy Blogger goes to Hamilton “Cucks” Nolan. Good luck marking territory with weak ass deodorant as Alphas dominate your crushes. That’s why I always cover my neck in real blood before I go out; puts out a good “I’m dangerous and live in the woods” feel. Chicks love it, as told by the…
Girls: Also stop. Nobody who is standing 15 feet away from you in a crosswind wants to smell your skanky floral, your geriatric vanilla, your decaying rose oil, your designer RAID bugspray knockoff, I mean what the fuck is that shit anyway?
You know, I was all set to make some kid of Top Gun joke here, but fuck it. I just can’t even anymore.
Sounds like the moto guy wasn’t being real smart. Gotta be about 2 levels smarter on a bike.
yeah, I think every reasonable person is against that sort of thing.
>we all have our hobbies.
I had an ex who told me a story about backing out of her garage, and into her ex’s *parked* car. She told me that it was his fault for parking there.
Your comment illustrates why investing in education should be a top priority. Hopefully the next time a bridge collapses in the US you’ll be driving over it.
Um, the Versa is in its own class of awful. That’s been established for years.