
On the topic of the catcher-cam. I was driving through Louisville, KY on the way back from vacation last weekend and stopped at the Louisville Slugger bat museum and factory. (Side note, worth a stop if you’re in Louisville.) One of the exhibits is a screen of some pitcher (I forget who offhand) who they show wind up

Day drinking is fine if you build in a nap. Day drinking straight into night drinking means at some point your brain DVR will stop recording.

“The CDC recommends that kids remain in the back seat until age 12"
I had an argument with my wife about this. My son was 5'10" at age 12. I started letting him sit in the front around age 9, when he was the same height as my wife.

Just wait until liberal states are implementing single payer and no one in the south can afford meds.

My sources indicate it applies equine medicine standards to anyone with income less than $250k/yr.

Also, Obamacare was “rammed through” in more than a year (about 13 months) with, if I recall correctly, more than 50 hearings, 25 days of debate and acceptance of Republican amendments.

This is a good point, I’m going to start writing to congresspeople about it. When McConnell and Ryan refuse to let the bill see the light of day, they can submit it to the CBO and then go on the news screaming from the mountaintops how much better it is. Publicity stunt for 2018? Yes. Good idea? Also yes.

Yeah, but they should’ve also introduced bills that made the Republicans seem like massive assholes as they will invariably be voted nay. So they’re just going to be late-minute obstructionists instead of being the “bigger men” that they should be?

This is the same guy who created a Tinder profile to get himself invited to a Veterans/Family only game so that he could get one of the special balls there. You know, just in case you needed another reason to hate/pity this huge dork.

I am still 50/50 on whether this Russia shit happened on purpose or he just dumbassed his way into it. Neither one would surprise me, honestly.

Ha! Typical.

I’ve had discussions where individuals try to dismiss the use of the word as “non-gendered” because the word does legitimately describe a specific psychological state of extreme emotionality that is applicable to both men and women.

SO dope. I didn’t really get how much it mattered until my gf mentioned how excited she was every scene when a woman was the one kicking all the ass. It’s what I’m reminded of when you mention people panicking when Emily enters a room in Dishonored 2.


I so incredibly hope so. For all his stupidity, he’s one slipper slimy bastards.

The “deep state spear” is Newt’s biggest fear and the terror that keeps him up at night: A big ol’ gay liberal dong that thrusts deep into the ‘Murican dream and pumps it full of rainbows and compassion. Oh! And the dong is black, and thinks that women should be allowed to vote.

Yeah, they don’t inspect every inch of our bodies with a magnifying glass looking for every hair out of place, every dimple in our thighs and every stretch mark in our butts. That’s only in our heads - and it’s sad AF we still feel this way.

Straight man here. Can confirm.

This is Silly Xcom.

Behold the power of Miyamoto-san.