
I have a lot of worries in life. Not one of them involve someone’s art right next to their house. When the rest of the world’s ills have been dealt with I’ll try and find time to worry about all the rich people’s feelings.

I have difficulty discerning between all the horrifying things going on during this administration.

You know it’s bad when Claire McCaskill is unloading on Republicans. The Elizabeth Warrens and Kamala Harris’ of the world might be more fiery, outspoken and even progressive than she is, but their “campaigning” for reelection is really just a victory lap.

Those Republican snowflake senators are so afraid of the backlash if there were an open debate. They pray that Trump’s future antics will serve to distract us.

I have a permanent rash between my boobs from lack of air circulation in a bra. Yet I wear a bra in public. My sympathy

I’ll take “Awkward Euphemism Overuse” for 500, Alex.

Stop it. You are wrong.

McCain’s spokesperson just released a statement saying that “the Senator and a small group of people know exactly what he meant.”

I am a 59-year-old man who for most of his life has bicycled (or bused) to work, who recycles, who carries his lunch in reuseable containers, and who switched to LED lighting as soon as it became available. My car gets 40 MPG, and I furnish as much of my home and office with used and repurposed stuff as

This is just one of the many reasons people find the game to be so toxic. Being placed an entire division lower than the one you clawed through and earned last season feels like a chore, not an achievement, since it’s a team based game, and at the end of it, your fate is still largely in the hands of 5 other players

do not forget that I am a crazy person

Somedays I wish that video games weren’t so outlandish. For example, why can’t Bioshock be real. Why can’t we have an asshole with to much time and to much money be able to build an underwater city where all these assholes who hate the government and hate everyone not like them can live in their own little underwater

Oh, just to pile on, Steve King is a national disgrace, and if the voters of his section of Iowa were capable, they should be ashamed not only that they can produce someone like Steve King, but that they continue to send him to Congress.

My partner says that once Trump publicly gave his version of their exchange, he waived the right to claim privilege. He’s the law-talkin’-dude, so I assume he’s probably right.

Why is this dickhole still talking about Hillary and the election?

This. Same shit that cost D’s the election six months ago. No movement on a cohesive economic plan that helps the 99%. Just saying R’s voted for/followed Trump is not going to be enough... there needs to be a plan which shows what D’s will do for them to increase their wages/savings and why the R’s plan to give 99.5%

These assholes keep out-assholing themselves!

Right. I get that he has a viewpoint here and that’s great and all…

That’s odd. I don’t remember ever playing group-based teamwork driven player-versus-player team matches in Borderlands.

Woof, buddy. I hate to do it to you but Borderlands isn’t so original itself.