
I live in Iowa too, but I’m more of ashamed of Steve King.

We have a real nice carpet of St. Augustinegrass, which can’t be cut short. So I cut at about 3" every three weeks. I’d let it go longer, but urban development comes around every other week to make sure your grass and weeds aren’t too tall.

I can see it now, Merkel will go up to Trump and extend her hand to grab him by the balls, ‘cause when you are famous, you can do that’

Poor kid. I cannot imagine the paranoia/fear/anger that must be triggered in a young artist whose performance venue has been the scene of such tragedy, such horror. I keep thinking of the tailspin Amy Schumer went into after the cinema shooting during one of her films. It must take tremendous, unseen courage to move

I love how “everyone is entitled to their opinion” about their virulent, rac-/sex-/nationalism, but when other people have their own countering opinions, they are “pussies/fags/libtards.”


The thing I love about conservatives is that they don’t understand the subject matter enough, or have enough faith in their material to just make a joke and let it stand.
It’s like, “Maybe no one signed him because he was taking knees on the sideline and on third and short! (Two minutes later) OR MAYBE IT’S BECAUSE

I always wonder what these people look like

He requested a pizza delivery at 10:37 and started bitching that it hadn’t arrived yet at 11:11? God, what a whiny little snowflake.

Kids: If you’re going to do something illegal for your promposals, I humbly make the following suggestion.

You know, in my day one person said “Do you want to go to prom?” and the other person said “yes” or “no” and we went and got our dresses or tuxes from the store, drove to prom, took a cheesy photo, goof danced a little and then 5 hours later ended up puking Boone’s Farm fuzzy navel into the bushes. Simple times. Good

Jeff Koons doesn’t care if you know it or not.

Don’t forgive the early voters; he was still a creationist who believes that dinosaurs died in the Noah’s Ark flood :/

It’s not remotely accurate, but even if it is - FORTY-EIGHT IS NOTHING TO BRAG ABOUT! IT IS STILL A TERRIBLE APPROVAL RATING! God, mediocre men who fail upward drive me INSANE.

Someone needs to pull down and post the clip of Trump shoving the Montenegro PM, then buttoning his jacket while sticking out his chin like Mussolini. It tells us everything we need to know about Trump as a human being.

Actually, it looks about right. I did a quick google search. It would seem, even during Bob Barker’s tenure, they had something like 10-12 rows of people.

That background monitor area for Drew’s set might have eliminated a few people, but the general audience size seems relatively consistent. MAYBE a little smaller,

Price is Right Games Ranked?

This is definitely true. I have several guys on my Xbox friends list. No other girls, and not for lack of trying. They just all turn hostile to me.

Do you ever find yourself in the midst of writing something like this and just think to yourself ‘Christ, we’re just a bunch of apes’? Maybe it’s just me, but whenever i read anything that tries to unpack social knots it reminds me of how thoroughly we’re another animal.