Fortunately, I know a set of daily affirmations Ted can use to combat all the hate. Grab a mirror, look yourself in the eyes, and repeat the following:
Fortunately, I know a set of daily affirmations Ted can use to combat all the hate. Grab a mirror, look yourself in the eyes, and repeat the following:
In California, the carpool lane line is a pretty big deal. $271 fine for crossing into/out without a dashed line. It’s a solid white line and two solid yellow lines. Triple reminder not to cross because of this- the speed differential is sometimes huge. If I’m using the carpool lane in heavy traffic, it’s scary, I’m…
Seriously? The Camry driver AND passenger HAD to be high! Look at them! They have no clue the biker is even standing there let alone yelling at them though honestly, the biker had an extraordinary amount of control.
So he’s had dementia for the 40 years (give or take) that he’s been in the public eye (no doubt before that).
Seriously? It has to be that explicit for you to understand what he’s saying?
To quote the late Terry Pratchett:
What a bunch of dumbasses, they couldn’t even spell Brazil right.
I have $2 on Toby Keith insulting the audience tonight, and blood spilling as a result. Five American clams says the current occupant of the White House manages to insult all three Abrahamic religions before the week is out.
Can you imagine him at any formal dinner? Or even eating anywhere he isn’t served charred steak with ketchup?
There is a 0% chance that 45 doesn’t say something totally insane, even for him, on this trip. It is going to be long, boring, and he won’t be able to go golfing. He is going to be grouchy as a baby on a roadtrip with a dirty diaper.
JD Mc is fake news. Sad!
I’m definitely not!
TIL Albert is black.
My grandparents, several aunts and uncles, and my dad, too. Infuriating.
I knew people with enough paranoia about the banks taking their 401k’s (which they kind of did), and CEO’s raiding pensions, etc., etc., - relatively run of the mill stuff, but when they found Fox News, it all became about the liberal snowflakes that are too soft to stand up for anything other than their own stupid…
As the late great Pratchet said about Vorbis: “…the worst thing about [him] isn’t that he’s evil, but that he makes good people do evil”
And it infects the young too. My Aunt and her husband, who have Fox News running nearly all day, turned their son, a curious, meteor shower obsessed 8 year old, into someone who would ask someone, “Did you vote for Obama?” and, if answered in the affirmative, would call that person a, “Socialist, Communist, N****r…
The damage caused by Roger Ailes is truly breathtaking in its impact and scope. Professionally, he was a proto-Rove Richard Nixon accomplice and enabler who went on to found the most powerful and pervasive propaganda network in modern history, which was profoundly responsible for training millions to disregard…
Then there’s the time one of Clarke’s deputies blew through a stop sign, smashed into another car and caused the driver of that car to have her neck broken in four places. The deputy and other officers then tried to frame her for drunken driving and pin the crash on her. For a year they even tried to get her to pay…