A River of Bourbon Runs Through It

Yes! The catwalks! That’s the right word. That wasn’t just to the luxury boxes. It was/is like that for what would be tunnels in a newer stadium to walk from the main concourse to the seating bowl, at least for some sections, not sure if all. So when you’re walking in to your section, instead of being in a tunnel,

RFK is almost 60 years old. I went to precious few Redskins games there growing up (it really was sold out and had a waiting list back then), and it held about 56K fans. I remember fondly the stadium actually rocking and undulating with the fans cheering and jumping up and down.

Pretty incredible stories in this thread. I’ve lived in Falls Church (not city) for a dozen or so years now. Didn’t grow up here — that was on the mean streets of Bethesda where I was really hardened. I have to confess I don’t really know where that James Lee section is — is it just on the east side of Annandale Rd

I don’t think this is accurate.  I belong to one of those pool clubs and have always been told that it was originally one bigger club, but a schism in the membership caused the divide.  Yours is a better story though?  

What the fuck did I just click on?  The only thing that could have made this a bigger waste of time is if I had also gotten a pop up for the 216th time asking me if I want some newsletter.  Chrissakes.  When should I expect to be offered the Amway catalogue?  

Winner winner, poutine dinner!

Can we talk about m’lady in red in the 2nd floor window? She’s so dispassionate, so zen. Is she there in some sort of judging capacity? Does her dog also keep score? If so, I would be interested in seeing how they scored the bout.

Is this sold out or something? I’ve entered that code a couple times, copied and pasted it and says code not valid.

Is this sold out or something? I’ve entered that code a couple times, copied and pasted it and says code not valid.

Wait, why would CCM be criticized for also benefitting commercially? I take from their statement “we are so proud to have you on the CCM team ...” that they sponsor her in some way. If I’m reading that right, they openly SEEK to benefit commercially by promoting her and this is more like a bonus payment to an already

Corollary: to greatly diminish the chances of getting bitten, don’t put your body parts into opponents’ mouths.

A good portion of what you wrote there suggests the Nats are behaving in a way to satisfy fans of their sincere and genuine efforts to make a good faith offer here, and maybe even more. I’m a DC sports fan and, admittedly, baseball is not in my top 2 sports, but I consider myself a Nats fan (reformed O’s fan) and have

Just came here to say I read the butthole version of this story and I haven’t slept since.  I’m not gonna read this one.  I have no cringes left to give until next year at the soonest.  

Boy, that Ear category started off and went kind of run of the mill, mostly. But then you hit us with this grade finale that was liking going over that first rise on a roller coaster ....

Aw man.  That first video.  About the 0:44 mark, this kid being helped down the sideline, that leg is not supposed to dangle like that.  I have no medical training really, but I can say definitively, that shit ain’t right.  Get right son, that looks awful and you are somehow not bawling like an infant as I imagine I

Nothing you’re saying is hard to understand. I just think you’re wrong. Oleksiak tried to make a hit on two Caps players immediately preceding this. Really wasn’t much, but — and this is where the background DOES matter — Tom Wilson was clearly looking for a reason and took exception and came after him. If Oleksiak

Take some more crazy pills. They’re working. He’s had since May to prepare for this, thanks to his GM who thinks if Tom Wilson would just stop running away or hiding behind the refs, Jamie Oleksiak will take him to pound town.  Or something.  

Not much of one, apparently.  

So maybe tell Pens GM to shut his fucking cake hole? I mean, how does he think that ends?

Now playing

Albert, Hank Johnson would like a word with you.  You aren’t giving enough consideration to crowded places capsizing.  

You are correct, it does not mean that!  But swing coach isn’t better at swinging the club, he or she is expert at getting others to swing it better.  Doesn’t change your point though IMO.