Whoa. Mind. Blown.
Seriously? That last punch to the back of the head looked pretty rough and I’m guessing whatever landed to make him woozy and turn/stumble away was pretty solid too.
Nahh, that sounds wrong. That suggests that the value of naming rights is largely derived from what people call the place casually, as if they’re going to say the branded name of the place and advertise for the buyer. Clearly I’m just throwing some shit spaghetti agains the wall here, but I think most places get…
That’s not how you spell that. But yeah, that name checks out.
I know it would be kind of cheesy, but why isn’t this place called Little Caesar’s Palace?? And then just “The Palace.” Is it the lawyers? It’s probably the fucking lawyers. And I’m not even saying that’s an ideal name. I’m just saying if it’s Little Caesar’s who has the naming rights, and that’s what you’ve got to…
Incredible, undeniable skill. Chrissakes. Post like 2,000 more videos of the amazing thing this guy has done and then continue to deny that he’s capable of getting a lucky bounce. Please do that. We’ll all be better for it, I’m sure.
I watched that play live and it is one of the most remarkable feats of skill and maybe balls I’ve seen in a hockey game. And the head shake Hank gives after that play (I don’t know if it’s in your video, I didn’t have to watch it to know that play) tells you all you need to know.
I’m sorry. He’s so good and so “grotesquely self-aware” (whatever that means) that he was trying to bank it in off the goalie’s back (something I have no doubt he tries and succeeds at regularly) that he put it on the ice to the front of the crease and it banged in off the inside of Lundquist’s right knee??? First,…
This is way too long. I’m sorry. Don’t read it. But I’m going to finish typing it. Because hockey lover having a drink too late at night has thoughts.
Off sides. (I think.)
When I see sidewalk chalk art on my driveway or walkway or even the side of my brick garage, I usually go something more along the lines of “WHEN I FIND THE TAGGERS WHO CHALKED THIS UP, I AM GOING TO TURN THE POWER WASHER ON THEM BEFORE CLEANING THIS OFF!” It’s subtle, but it works.
I watched this gif for an indefensible amount of time. Now I want to go to the hanger factory or wherever to see this happen. Who knew this was a thing?
I clicked on the Youtube video. Holy shit. It’s a US Postal truck driving through the the post-apocalyptic wasteland that used to be Santa Rosa and he’s STILL DELIVERING THE MAIL!!! It’s insanity! And then there’s one shot of these two houses that are like an island of spared real estate in the middle of this…
It’s Costco. Shut down the comments. Cosco is the answer.
Wait, can you not see the headbands??
This is false. Born in DC and lived my entire life in MD and VA. Water fountain. You probably just ran into some Masshole carpetbagger on the Mall.