Yeah, but that’s just a broad, so .... well you know.
Yeah, but that’s just a broad, so .... well you know.
I’m not sure anything makes a player look like a bigger pussy than the whole doing the motion of throwing a flag thing. It’s usually followed by the outstretched arms with palms up, what for, maneuver. Several examples of varying degree in this clip. I’m sure I’ve done it myself in the stands or even in front of my…
what a putz.
Easy there, Archie Bunker, your hood is showing now.
No they don’t agree with you. It’s not just that they won’t state that view, they state the opposite, that those two student athletes ARE equal. Are you new? Have you never met the NCAA? That’s the point. It doesn’t matter what I think. The point IS the hypocrisy.
oh yes. I see the difference. thank you for showing me.
Thanks for your opinion, even if it’s a terrible one. My comparison is of the very different brands of justice UConn administers. For a female player in a non-revenue sport who flips the bird, the player encouraged to leave the school, has scholarship pulled, and threatened with blowing her chances elsewhere if she…
Felony theft of laptops at UConn only gets you suspended. You have to let the judicial process run the course and all.
Ummm, can we talk about this for just a second? Soooo, if you leave a tree outside in the cold for one more night, it will kill the bugs living in it. Is that your position? This is the same tree that these bugs decided to build their HOME in, right out there in the cold and everything, already, yes? You just moved…
I actually thought you were making fun when I started reading that. But yeah, that’s kind of what I’m getting at. Look, either of these two teams can and should be right there at the end of the season. But if that’s my team, and a freshman scores 47 of my team’s 103 points while my defense gives up 100, I’m not…
I’ll be that guy for a hot second, fully prepared to have poo flung at me. Is this because these are brand names that you like facing each other that scored a lot of points against each other? This is like the Yankees and Redsox playing to a 19-18 score. Fun game to watch? Probably. Best game of the year? Yeah,…
Oh. I thought you might have been involved in this. Which would have been more interesting, I think. Of course that was 2012, so just what in the bloody hell was I even thinking. Idiot.
So, you do know that deer don’t actually know better than to stay off the highways, right. So yes, sometimes highway speed cars encounter deer. I live just outside of DC in VA and the beltway and toll road are just littered with dead deer. Plus, I have them in my very suburban but not well lit neighborhood. And I…
My exact reaction. I actually played it back for my 14-year old Defenseman son and noted that Eakin got all the way down the ice to the far blue line before someone gave him a slight shove and the ref pulled him away. Son’s reaction was same as mine: how did he get down the ice without getting completely…
Can someone explain to me what is happening in that costume pictured up there? Is that a baby getting a piggy back ride on .... goldilocks???? Is it a sex act in progress?? Am I supposed to be offended by it? Turned on? Chuckle? Why is the face being removed??
As long as UNC is all “hey bitches, just MYOB as far as our ‘academics’ or whatever ...” and the NCAA is crushing stuff like this, I think we can all agree that justice is being served and an even playing field exists. Right???
ehhh, no. that’s like saying roughing the kicker shouldn’t matter if the kicker shanked the kicked wide before he got hit. I don’t think the hit had anything to do with the air mail, but it just doesn’t matter. There is no “you sucked at trying while getting fouled” corollary that dismisses that as a penalty.
Thank you for putting it in these terms. I’m a life-long Skins fan, though I admit to be a fading NFL fan. That’s a different conversation, but point is I want this to work out for the Skins so the are competitive.
I like the part of the video at the end where it says if you see/recognize these guys, do NOT approach ....
Tell me more about the coffee maker, I’m intrigued.