Bourbon Pundit

Radio stars?? I thought that video killed all of them in the 80's? 

The plastic thing at the center of the pizza is for my sons to fight over.

if one more ad exec or magazine editor tries to imply that maisie williams is attractive i’m gonna start throwing hands

Walk. Away.

Have to say, I’m a little disappointed if Lindelof is bowing out. The show is fine as a standalone, and my initial reaction was that it had exhausted most of the recognisable possibilities of the comic anyway, but I did come to think a season focused on Laurie would be worth exploring, digging into her time as The

It's a masterpiece, and I don't need more of it.

Allegedly they fixed it in 12 or 13 but owners still report high oil consumption.   

I’ve actually wondered if Subaru has fixed their head gasket issues yet. I’ve come to see Subarus as 75-100k mile cars, based on my experience with my 2005 Outback. It wasn’t just the head gaskets, it was the transfer case and CV axles too.

I thought this was an enthusiast website?

Calling the Challenger “wasteful”, while obvious, seems more like what you’d expect coming from a green/electric car website, particularly given that it’s no more “wasteful” than most performance cars. Do you have a fast food blog on the side where you mention in every post

The amount of Treble being used.

I’m hesitant to make this about Grand Tour when I’m looking forward to Top Gear again but...

In Soviet Russia, presents vote for Tulsi. 

2020 is the year that the market for streaming services becomes saturated and they start closing them down. Nobody is going to pay for all these services 

“The filmmakers need to know that they’re worst efforts were witness.”

Kinja is always broken on every device I use except for my desktop PC at work, from which I am posting this.

Stating that ‘Kinja is broken’ is like stating that your Holley carburetor is out of adjustment - of course it is. 

Yeah, about 2 weeks ago I was interested to read what the commenters had to say about an article and I had to reload 22 times for the comments to load. I would have stopped at 3 or 4 times (like usual) but was curious.and went to 22 times.

Sad as it may be, I only report the truth, my friend.

Yeah, our childhoods just died.  Ouch

I think the idea was that he was so pissed he forgot his syntax quirk.