Bourbon Pundit

Welcome to KFC, may I take your HORDOR?

Actually all my business cards are made out of coasters I steal from the Chili’s bar.

You know what basic economics is? Not getting yourself in debt for a degree that will not allow you get into a career to pay off said debt (i.e. Journalism, which is dead by the way). Education should be treated as an investment in yourself, and return on investment should be considered before making the purchase.

“Stop a whole lane and force their way into the merging lane.”

Can we please stop using TWC Storm Names™ as though they are official storm names? They exist only to make ratings for TWC. The Vane’s excellent meteorological guru made that distinction years ago. 

I’m sure she’d kick an ass or two, cause that’s what Walking Dead Carol’d do.

Of course there are.

or ‘Missed Shift’!

“But here’s the situation: if I even breathe the words “you should get” and the car has any sort of flaw or problem, I will be blamed for this flaw or problem.”

I'm calling BS. I almost exclusively drink coffee and beer, and I've never died.

without lawn darts this list is incomplete

I'd rather he buy jalopnik to save it from Gawker proper.

: (

As a Highlights hidden picture illustrator it is very important that I not hide any objects near the crotch of any characters. It's in our creed.

Any website people link on Facebook for that matter...

Call me crazy, but I use my work email for work, and my personal email for all other things, like communicating with family and friends and making travel plans.

Would be useful if they could also do a "clickbait" label for Giz.

I guess you missed the third guy in the middle.