
I agree, and my post wasn’t meant to say that my ability to create a family should come above other people’s health and well-being. My infertility is very minor compared to many women and, when everything is better, I will be at the bottom of the totem pole so to speak for getting a new appointment for good reason. I

I understand this is about medical resources and I get it. Honestly the day after my treatment was canceled, my husband’s cancer treatment (he’s in remission, it was a routine biopsy) was canceled too and that’s when it really hit home that it’s bigger than our situation. It sucks in my situation because all I need

I agree with you largely. But except for one point, about grieving privately. The thing is, there’s always going to be someone worse off than you. In that case, we should all shut up about our own misfortune. But grieving is easier and healthier when we have a support network, and for the infertility community, the

No, you’re making a big assumption about me. I wanted to be the voice to the women who don’t get to be pregnant not by their own choice right now because at the time I posted, all the other comments were essentially “good, they don’t deserve it.” I am doing everything I can to prevent the spread of this pandemic: we

Well your comment is essentially that I should be grateful for what I have. And I am. I have accomplished a lot and I have a lot. But the point of my post is that it still sucks to be in this situation. Believe me, I’m doing my part: staying at home, washing my hands, shopping for my elderly neighbors, my 15 month old

My point with that is that there are many non-selfish reasons for wanting to have a child. I also note the tone in your message regarding “second child” and yes, you’re right I am lucky I already have a child. There are many, many couples who had their fertility treatments put on hold with nothing left. A friend of

Wow the comments on this article are so very critical towards women who want to have a baby. Let me put a virtual face to this issue: I’m one of those people who had their fertility plans put on indefinite hold.

Who cares about these basic bitches. Let’s talk about the really bad ones: Something Navy, Love Taza, Inspiralized all left NYC in the past week to flee to other states. This is SO BAD

Ah a local! 

Yellowstone is not my favorite national park in the west, probably because I live here. Glacier is MUCH prettier and you can combine it with Jasper and Banff for an incredible experience. However depending on where you’re driving from, you can see some really amazing things. From the East: badlands, devil’s tower,

Southwestern Montana local here loving this story! Any decent westerner can confirm that it’s not mountain lions, wolves, coyotes, and bears you need to fear, it’s the elk, moose, and bison. The herd animals are stubborn and stupid and mean, real predators are too smart and lazy to usually bother with humans unless

I didn’t even pick up in the nuance between folk and classical! Thank you!

I think the folk songs make it seem more real- this town wasn’t London and the premise of Emma is that she’s perfectly content in her small town and small world. Having the songs be less trendy/classical and more earthy I thought was refreshing. I loved the wallpaper and costumes, like Sofia Coppola’s Marie

I can’t wait for Sense & Sensibility and Colonel Brandon. Alan Rickman better win!

I’ve rewatched the dance scene about 4 times so far. It’s peak Austen

This list doesn’t mention The Fall...

Thanks for the perspective 

I had to read your post several times to avoid an overly emotional response. Your situation sucks. It objectively sucks more than mine. Your treatment is objectively more important than mine. It still is hard for me to not feel sad for myself and the people in my situation because we, as humans, can only deal with

Agreed with the sentiment. I’m asthmatic and had a hell of a time with swine flu way back when that was a thing so I can imagine it wouldn’t be pretty. I did find it somewhat ironic that Tylenol is the safe medication for Covid considering Tylenol is a garbage drug that all pregnant women hate

I’ve heard that too and my heart breaks for them. I’m sure a lot of them are pumped full of pre-IVF hormones awaiting the transfer, paying expensive storage fees, or closing in on 40+ (my husband) so they don’t have the luxury of waiting a year or however long this plays out for their chances to continue to decline.