
Look, even if this shit had been nothing but actual pranks, that’s still an evil thing to do to your child. Your kid should never, ever feel tricked by you. On purpose. For your amusement.

If Kal Penn is looking for ways to fill his newly-free time, he can always come over to my house and... talk about supporting the arts while I get him nice glass of wine and turn down the lights and put on soft music and light some candles and *cough*

He’s tweeting again. Kinda.

The letter is an acrostic which spells out “RESIST”

Thank You...

Now playing

Hnnnngh, Kit Harington and Liam Cunningham. Oh man, the things I’m thinking about right now. Mmmmm. Smoldering 500 ab’d youth and older, wiser, sexy zaddy. It’s a smorgasbord of yum and I’m grabbing allllll the dishes.

It’s probably my favourite of all time. I like to listen to it in the evening, wearing a blanket as a cape, glass of wine in hand, pretending to be Cersei watching the cept blow up. Highly recommend doing that.

Go book a low budget hotel, you’ll find him.

Where, oh where, is my beloved Tormund??

AAAAAAAAAHHHHHH! It’s hard to believe it’s finally here, because for me

Not even word salad. Just like word wastebasket.

Anyone else see the irony in Trump telling the gay Prime Minister of Ireland about the pretty Irish female reporter he’s currently ogling?

So many Zaddy’s

But does Jurassic Park pass the Bechdel test? Does the velociraptor pod coordinating murder count? Those broads mostly murdered men and therefore were talking about them, but I think we can still count it.

Hell, you know Taylor bought the last 500 copies herself to make it to the magic number.

That thing still scares the hell out of me. Top ten creepiest Muppets!

I really hope we’re able print out the entire internet and put it in a vault so one day the aliens can fully grasp how much we deserved our demise.

Judge Kara is in session! Shade Court has returned!!!

**Taylor is cunning and petty and she plays the long game.**

Dwight D. Eisenhower? I hardly know her!

Being happy when your kid passes one of those milestones is like being happy (really! *sniff*) to see that your favorite ex has a nice girlfriend now. You want them to move on and be happy and simultaneously need your love and attention all the time. What could possibly drive you crazy about those feelings?