
It’s a bad sign when your best DB can’t even cover his own ass properly.

I thought extreme DUI was when your blood Mountain Dew level was .08 or higher.

It actually doesn’t impact that at all when you realize that the Browns spend most of the game with their heads shoved up their own asses.

“Jesus, leave me out of it for chrissakes.”

Everyone talks about how big Lebron is, Donald has packed all of that mass into a frame 7 inches shorter and still ran a 4.68 40.

I am convinced Plaxico Burress shot himself in the leg so he would never again have to put himself at risk of being destroyed while extending for a pass 10 feet over his head.

Just making sure that I’m reading this right. The Giants are justified in overdrafting a runningback and having a large cap commitment to the position because the Patriots made things work with a stable of reasonably priced backs?

Also, didn’t Gettleman pretty much cap screw the Panthers with huge contracts to Jonathan

Yeah right. We all know Eli is more likely to airmail it then underthrow

Pretty sure “Saquon” is French for “Ki-Jana”.

Not to worry Giants fans. They aren’t just going to pound Barkley into dust. Eli is also going to underthrow him and hit a linebacker square in the numbers.

The Eagles, who won the Super Bowl...

He slammed him to the ground like me angrily giving up on the challenge of folding a fitted sheet.

Rampage Jackson did something similar once and it’s impressive no matter what, it’s a shit ton scarier when the guy is 205 pounds.

I thought the whole point of the rookie wage scale was veterans being willing to screw over rookies because it meant that money would be paid to proven players. Now you’re telling me they screwed over rookies and thus incentivized teams to underpay new kids and depress the veteran market anyway?

An RB at #2 is a wasted pick almost no matter what.

Yea. With Barkley’s speed and hands, the G-Men are going to have a huge advantage recovering Eli Manning’s fumbles.

Taking a Penn State running back second overall will definitely work out great for the Giants.

Ladies and Gentlemen, the Cleveland Browns - who learned nothing from their daliance with Johnny Manziel

I guess Sometimes you gotta take a chance on a questionable dude at quarterback. It’s not like there’s any recent precedent for it, so who knows how it might work out?