
his dangerous “gender identity” directives

Aren’t we sort of in fool me dozens of times now territory, with respect to white people voting the way they do?

Yeah that’s a frightening turn in rhetoric. Alienating ourselves from everyone else further won’t help.

What do you mean “do your part?” You didn’t show up. Those numbers are real and they don’t lie. You. DID NOT. SHOW UP.

The former is what led to this situation, I think.

Well, you have two options. You can bitch about white people and shame them or you can work to get more of everybody on your side. The former is tempting, I understand. I feel it too. But nothing productive will come of that route.

I’m tired of the narrative that its all white people’s fault. White people voted as FUCKING EXPECTED. Trump didn’t drastically improve white voter turnout over Romney. The only thing that changed was black and latino turnout, and a surprising amount of black and latino’s not showing up to vote and a surprising amount

Husband counts - I legit lol’d at your comment ha ha

OMG this happened to me, too. i didn’t stage a robbery but i told my mom someone must have broken in (she noticed the screen bent all out of shape and her flowers completely destroyed).

It might be that it’s 5am and I’m awake for no good reason, but you just had me in tears. Oh my lord. This is a great story.

I am tearing up from laughing so hard. This is the most epic lie for and 8 year old I’ve ever heard of.

I googled it, since I had no idea what a lladro was, and wow, there’s a market for them. I saw one selling for $700. Huh.

FYI, Election Day is November 8, not November 9.

Is Donald Trump not part of the “moneyed elites”? The billionaire who inherited his wealth and has spent his adult life jetting from penthouse apartments to penthouse resorts, and back again? He’s a real man of the people that one.


Are we at the point yet where we can start diverting some *military* funding to try and deal with this instead of, say, other epidemiological research and/or _anti poverty programs_? I mean, the Pentagon and/or the DHS’ got a billion-dollar slush fund, and surely Zika counts as a national security risk?

Big deal.

OTOH, he seems to be doing exceptionally well as an adult with microcephaly.

Then there was that room where she nailed albums to the wall. All I could think was “Oh god - they are going to have to resurface that ENTIRE WALL.”