Wait, so you’re complaining about a film not featuring black people in an era when Hollywood was so segregated that they had to create a special Oscar category for James Baskett because black men didn’t win Best Actor awards?
Wait, so you’re complaining about a film not featuring black people in an era when Hollywood was so segregated that they had to create a special Oscar category for James Baskett because black men didn’t win Best Actor awards?
Can I ask a question that might get me in trouble?
I had open-heart surgery as a toddler, 40 years ago. The scar is very prominent and I make no attempts to cover it. I’ve had it all my life so it’s not a traumatic thing for me, and I still will make up stuff like this sometimes because it’s not random person on the street’s business.
I’ve never been to a baseball game, not living in North America, but I always figured it was like cricket - yes you’re there to watch the sport but it’s as much about enjoying the sunshine and the food and the beer (and if you’re at a village or amateur game possibly the pot as well). Because they are both slow paced…
was anybody else OBSESSED with Jawbreaker? The styling was SO AMAZING but completely unlike what anybody was wearing
I hear that thing has a nasty surprise at the end
When I was in kindergarten in the ‘80’s, a classmate of mine brought a damn shotgun to class for show and tell. I kid you not. A shotgun.
I agree, to an extent, that these stories are so popular (and this particular chart has been floating around for at least four or five years now) because they call to near-universal anxieties in women. But I don’t think what you’re seeing here is women “mocking the men at issue.” Women are scared of feeling irrelevant…
The problem is that keeping weed illegal causes countless non-violent offenders to be thrown in jail and have their lives ruined, while violent offenders like rapists get probation because prisons are overcrowded.
I got laid by a seminarian on his ‘year off to make sure’ at secular university ...does that count?
I must say, the Catholics may have gotten something right with keeping those wafers so bland to prevent this sort of thing.
That’s pretty much because everyone knows each other in Iceland. I betcha they were like:
Hi Colin, I just wanted to thank you for BCO. My father-in-law passed away last Monday morning, and I spent all week making phone calls, driving people around, making arrangements, serving people, and sleeping on my living room floor. It was the week from hell. A few times each day, though, I was able to sneak away…
Three meals-in-a-packet, one effervescent potassium tablet, and the last square of a Kiva Bar!
Mom is really getting to that stage. She’s 83 now (god...that’s a heavy thing for a 40 year old to write), and she spouts off church doctrine (we’re evangelical Pentecostal, ugh), she’s like “well, what harm could a gay couple do to a poor kid living in foster care? I don’t see any Christians coming out and adopting…
My grandmother recently sold the home where she and my grandfather lived for nearly fifty years. Ours is the only family the house has ever belonged to; my grandfather built the house. It’s the consummate middle American conservative house. So imagine my delight when my grandmother sells the house to a middle-aged…
In order to understand Pope Francis’ brand of Catholicism you have to understand Argentinas’. Catholic teachings often lean to what you cann “the left” in America: friendship, generosity, humility, brotherhood, etc. Sure, you can ask a priest of being gay is a sin and he will likely tell you “yes”, but chances are, he…
Take a look at this blog. It’s by a young woman with PCOS and her journey to fertility. She has a beautiful healthy baby now too. Click on “start at the beginning” http://www.lovefestjourney.com
Only when Marilyn was alive!*
Noted fact: anyone who uses the terms “classy” and “class” is usually devoid of these descriptors.