
They definitely saw the truck, but were more concerned by their bro fight. In all seriousness, looks like a territorial/power dispute and if one cat stopped, it could be life or death

You can’t apply for short term disability to get partial payment for 6 weeks?

Honestly, if your migraines are so bad that you’re a candidate, I’d give it a whirl. Botox is temporary, so even if it migrated or hit the wrong place, that would last 3 months, with only a few weeks of “peak effect.” So, what’s worse? Frequent migraines or a temporary droopy eye or something?

I think it’s more that because they’re coy about it, people assume you can look that good without plastic surgery, so people don’t accept aging and look upon people who look their age with disdain.

If what she’s saying is true, which sources are saying isn’t, then it was Ambien. My Ambien doesn’t explicitly state not to mix on the bottle, though it does say that online on my CVS account.

A great way to help right now is to look at the Amazon wish lists for local charities, like the other animal shelters in Texas taking in abandoned pets. That way, you’re giving them exactly what they need and subvert the issues with Red Cross

I can’t listen at work, but can y’all confirm it’s got the same voice over as the podcast, because he has the creepiest voice

Same here. My company also has a plant in Conroe they kept open, which I think is crazy. But after Rita and the highway gridlock margarita parties, I sort of get it. At least my German coworker temporarily working down there is getting to experience a new American phenomenon.

Only Louise Linton can afford this crap

The sad thing is that she isn’t old enough to look that way yet

See that’s the thing. For like a season I swear they stopped calling them Mounties, then started again, but all the while referencing US things. A lot of Hallmark movies are actually made and set in Canada, so I think it’s just an intentional vagueness on their part

They’re very slowly dipping their toes into it. I am surprised it’s taking them longer than the Bachelor franchise.

They also may or may not have moved it from Canada to the US? It’s very unclear after Season 1 what country it’s set in. I gloss over most of the Christianity plots because it’s generally benign, vague Christianity.

UT grad here. I always thought it was interesting we had Confederate statues. Texans tend to not identify with the Confederacy, then or now, except for the novelty of how many “countries” have ruled Texas. That being said, Texas republic freaks are just as bad and I doubt UT will ever remove statues of them

Denver had a grilled cheese festival a few months ago and ran out of grilled cheese very quickly. I think they ended up ordering pizzas to appease the writhing masses who paid $40+ to go? I also think Dolly Parton was there? It was weird

I worry about overzealous violent mobs and the #notHillary Bernie Bros fringe groups too. But would it be better if we on the left went back to antipathy?

Wow! No but thank you for sharing

Arpaio also stalked and threatened my former law professor, who was hired by the state of Arizona to investigate him for ethical violations. You know you’re a bad dude when you attempt to harm an administrative law professor (aka a boring dude)

I’m a woman. I was full time in law school and working full time at the time, so I had 1 night to do all social things. Multiple dates was a way to be efficient. If you go on enough dates, it become easy to tell if the date is good within 30 min-1 hour, but it never becomes easy to eat that much in one night

We’re the only country that can refine their oil, there’s no way we’d go to war. All we need to do is revise the oil and then they’re screwed