
I’m the youngest of 6, 16 years younger than the oldest. She and I look exactly alike, so it was only natural that I believed my other siblings when they told me I was her child. Even my mom was in on it. For years, we’d go out to restaurants or stores and she’d introduce me as my sister’s daughter, telling people she

It’s like when the Texas congress gerrymandered to avoid democratic districts, but accidentally drew a penis-shaped district. There’s always a nefarious reason behind republican actions, so just follow the dicks and you'll find it. (I'm on cold medicine so this probably is less funny than I think)

It would if it retained title (and by would, I mean should and also caveat that this is assuming they are subject to the same DOT regulations as environmental waste producers). The onus falls on whoever retains title. And even if they no longer have title, they could still be liable based on the fact that they are the

Usually the only penalty I see hit the “producer” is a fine. If it’s egregious (we’re talking polluting a river) then there might be some remediation, but these things are very mundane and routine.

i think it just comes down to who has title of the fetuses (I can’t believe I just said that). ultimately title transfers to the disposal facility, but sometimes transporters refuse to take title for this very reason. That being said, I handle environmental law for a utility company and have no experience with the

If it were true, it would be PP’s fault because fetal tissue (I'm an environmental lawyer so I'm assuming medical waste falls under these same statutes) would be a toxic waste under RCRA, the Toxic Substances Control Act, and the DOT and PP has to receive shipping papers and manifests identifying the approved facility

Absent legislation, utilities plan their energy mix up to 20-30 years ahead of schedule. While some of us utility companies (yes I work for one) are aggressively phasing out coal power plants, others are building them. The conflict is most palpable in Wyoming, which is home to the largest coal strip mine and also some

But until more electricity comes from renewable resources, you’re just robbing Peter to pay Paul (or in other words, switching out gasoline for coal).

Ugh mom, you had to go on CNN?!?!

Or if you're a German tourist

I think it really depends. My brother-in-law has a number of guns, mostly for hunting, and a permit. He has a locked safe hidden in his closet and has explained to his children why he has the guns, how to use a gun, that guns are not for them to use, and refused to give them the code. Ammunition is kept in another

Like Bush and the Patriot Act?

My brother has been married 6 times, engaged 10 (we anticipate #11 by Valentines Day), and isn’t even 40 yet. He can never coherently answer the question “why not just live with someone out of wedlock indefinitely?”

When I worked at Rudy’s BBQ at their most profitable outpost, I was told they exclusively hired pretty young girls to work the store part, and that I wasn’t eligible to become a BBQ cashier (more pay, less work) because I was “too pretty” by my boss.

Are you referring to the Asian baby?

Texas did accept a lot of Vietnamese refugees during the Vietnam War- Good ol Greg doesn’t get a good pulse on most of his state.

I shared this on Gawker, but Colorado famously welcomed Japanese-American evictees during WWII to the ire of everyone else, which in the long run was a great decision just like MA accepting Cambodians in the 70s. Hoping we hold out again. CO has some great immigration and refugee judges and resources that will

Yeah I'm impressed she had a coherent, eloquent speech that didn't offend anyone this time.

Does anyone know if Shonda was involved with Gilmore Girls at all? I'm rewatching Scandal for the third time and noticed the second GG-Scandal crossover, which makes me wonder why. I know Shonda is loyal to her core crew of actors.

Love Lore! I wonder if the host talks like that in real life or just on his podcast?