
I feel this so hard. Was given very similar feedback. Said I sounded too bubbly and may not be taken seriously during conference calls when I have to dumb down tech talk so the higher ups will actually understand what I’m talking about. So just my natural voice and cadence when talking about very boring database

LOL I saw Christina Ricci on the View yesterday and said her husband was really tall. "He's 6'1." Bwahahahaha. Girrrrrl, that is not really tall. That's completely average, maybe slightly above average. My husband is 6'6. That's really tall. The tallest man I've ever been with was 6'9. Being over 6'3 immediately makes

So this is interesting for me. I've been on both ends of the spectrum throughout my life, and I think now pretty firmly in the middle. When I was in junior high and high school, I thought I was prettier than what was deemed attractive at that time (basically general tiny-ness that is common in junior and high school

Ha when I was just starting with infertility problems, I hated getting asked when I was going to have a baby. It was definitely painful. Now that I've accepted that it would take a lot of extra effort my me and my husband to get pregnant and I'm not interested in it any longer (nor being married, but that's a whole

I've been thinking about aging a lot lately actually, but more in the vein of: I'm 33 now, I'm unhappy, I feel like I'm just merely existing instead of living, I'm still relatively young, the thought of continuing to live unhappy for THE REST OF MY LIFE (which, knock on wood, should be 5ish more decades) absolutely

He was quite good with his hands. And tongue. But that body is etched in my mind forever. FOREVER.

He was quite good with his hands. And tongue. But that body is etched in my mind forever. FOREVER.

I recently had the pleasure of the company of a very hot college rugby player in my hotel room in Minneapolis when I was there for work. His thighs... (and the rest of his body, but oh my the thighs)... Suffice to say it's quite a nice memory.

Are you me? My mother had the exact same reaction, to my exact same weight and height at the same age. She didn't seem to like that I weighed more than her at 12 than she did pre-pregnancy, all while being 4 inches taller than she ever was (I also grew another couple inches in the next year). Took me a long time to

I'm her same height (5'9) with very similar body type. I looked at her and thought she's probably a size 12-16. I'm a 14. Height makes a big difference.

You know, this is great. I have a very similar body type to her (same height and nearly same dress size too). After losing some weight over the last year or so and needing to buy clothes for an upcoming cruise in the Caribbean in a few weeks, I've been flirting with the idea of actually buying a bikini (instead of a

These were my wedding shoes. Badgley Mischka. Still the most I've spent on one pair of shoes (about $220). Highly recommend wedges—so much more comfortable. I loooooved them then and I love them now. Have worn them to nice events since then, almost 4 years ago.

I, a 32 year old woman, have had shingles twice. Once when I was 14 years old and again at 28. Both times most likely caused due to stress (hi, 9th grade and planning my wedding, respectively). Luckily since I was young and healthy both times I had very mild forms of shingles and really just had small rash that was a

I just got back on birth control pills after 3 years of being off them (and 14 years on them before that!). Having PCOS, I like the hormonal benefits birth control pills offer me (regular, lighter periods, clearer skin, non-existent PMS, less hair where I don't want to grow it, etc);