
Oh, I don’t know. There’s some darkness to Winnie the Bish. After all, his first response to Nick’s news about the editor’s feedback was “I’ll kill ‘em!” Furthermore, this is a man who thinks setting a wild badger loose in the air vents above a wedding is a classic prank. His heart beats to the rhythm of murder.

The above C surprised me. I really enjoyed this episode. Everything with Holt and Kevin was gold, and every text Holt sent was fantastic.

Yeah, definitely don’t see how this is a C episode, personally. This was a great episode that really gave us a fun pairing with Kevin & Jake. The Nicolas Cage gags were a delight

Your opinions are wrong.

having a jake/kevin episode kick off this back half of the season, for me, couldn’t have been more perfect. along with gina’s gossip, rosa’s blonde perm, captain holt’s text messages, library perverts, nic cage, shred pile, i loved it and was laughing nonstop. i’ll probably post quotes after i watch again later.

That exchange between Gretch and Linds about Stephen Hawking was AMAZING.