
Greatest summation ever.

Snyder does love to copy the best scenes from other movies in his gumbo pot directing style.

When I mentioned Goyer, I pretty much bundled bad writing/production/directing into one. While I do adore Hannibal, a true Constantine story should have no holds barred creative freedom that a non network can provide. No way NBC would green light the story arc when John was in prison.

Keep Goyer away, reboot the whole damn thing, put it on AMC or restrictions are holding back Constantine.

Disaster porn? Michael Bay level of character development/forcing a huge amount of characters in one film? Yup.

He does all the time.

You're faltering.

Guess that gum I liked isn't going to come back in style.

It's the op's shtick to grasp at straws.

it's sort of the OP's shtick.

They master the constipated, intense eyes with empty mind technique that drives grim dark reboots.

Well, bye.

how many takes did Irons have due to breaking down laughing mid quote?

Snyder weeps.

Why cast yet another white character DC?

why not a POC? DC/WB dropping the ball with this opportunity.


You're a Phoenix. One comment arising from the ashes, fiery hot and blinding to all those lucky enough to witness it.

How gracious of you?

Guess they're not aspiring to be more than what they already are.