
How is it a disaster or unplayable? A crew of just 3 of us have filled/sold off several of the warehouses in public lobbies.

I'm disappointed in op going tl;dr trope with his post.

Thank you.

Apparently the OP does.

It’s amazing you’re as tone deaf as Simmons is in this promo advert.

Not at all Tom, if you can produce a movie without using death/unnecessary violence as a crutch (Snyder BvS), that resonates with its audience with excellent acting and character development all the while further adding to the expanding universe, then damn that’s even more reason to appreciate Civil War and its


I hope you meant this as a slick burn towards Petchesky.

Looks like somebody's getting laid in college.

Life Aquatic was enjoyable, what are you smoking Will? Also found St.Vincent to be charming and sweet, especially that damn kids video montage/speech at the end.

She’ll always have my teenage gratitude for her True Lies striptease.

I'm just here waiting for Marasai to flip his/her shit on this article.

No, it really wasn't.

You sick, twisted bastard.

When the first reply outshines the OP. Well done.

This is an over simplification of fair criticism towards the producers/head honchos for the DCCU, not about Leto who is a great actor and choice for the Joker mantle. But he can only do so much if the filmmakers are going out of their way to make odd choices for the character.

Leto being a great actor and this horrible costume design have nothing to do with each other.

No, they weren’t. Especially after Ledger’s costume reveal which allayed whatever worries there were.

This isn't a Nolan helmed universe though. It's Snyder.

Most Io9 commenters do not read the actual article, using only the article title to go ballistic with.