
This level of anti-Semitism, more so than the racism and homophobia, is generally frowned upon even in the current white nationalism-adjacent GOP. It’s not that I don’t think they’re fine with the bigotry. It’s that this is far more than they’ll usually let slide for pure image purposes.

The real irony here is that dollars to donuts, many of the “people of faith” sitting in that room were descended from other “people of faith” (looking at you Southern Baptist Convention as an example) who were absolutely wedded to upholding slavery and the most virulent forms of jim crow. Some of the very “people of

Write the best, most sweeping legislation you can. Show the jobs it will create. Show the cheap and plentiful energy it will create. Marry it with a broadband for all bill by putting fiber optic wire up along with all of the new electrical transmission lines. As a matter of fact, bury these lines so they are not

Why do you guys keep flailing around in shock when racist things happen in Southern states, and when racist things are discovered in the past of Southerners?

I can not watch or listen to Mango Mussolini without putting my various electronic devices in danger of being destroyed in an uncontrollable fit of rage.

“The vast, vast majority of Americans believe that you should be able to feed your family on 40 hours a week. We believe that health care is a right, that work should be dignified and we believe that all people should be accepted regardless of their race, gender, or ethnicity,” she said.

Reminds me of an article that quoted a woman in Florida shortly after the shut down began. She said “He’s not hurting the people he’s supposed to be hurting.” Let that sink in for a minute. A woman voted this man into office thinking his main responsibility was to hurt a segment of the population she didn’t like. This

He is what idiotic racist selfish white folks think a smart person sounds like.

Tacky, complicit, faux feminist, dog whistling white supremacist bitch.

They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but even by those standards, that first graph is pretty on-the-nose.

Where’s the article talking about Bioware fixing all of the issues from the VIP demo? Congratulating them for delivering on their word and smoothing the experience in under a week?

By any reasonable standard, the Republican Party on a National level no longer deserves a role in setting or contributing to any policy domestically and internationally based on the way they’ve enabled this lazy dimwit.

He’ll probably be echoing a lot of the recent wingnut propaganda about the recent New York law and the proposed Virginia ones. They’re doing their best to make it seem like the law is all about allowing killing babies on delivery, rather than easing the burden on women who need abortions in the third trimester. It’s a

Like how much grief they gave Obama when he said the rich didn’t build their fortunes singlehandedly. Gates couldn’t have built Microsoft without the taxpayers of Illinois who paid for his education. Schultz owes his success to the taxpayers of NYC who kept a roof over his head when he was a child, and provided him an

I hope he declares an imaginary emergency.  I hope the Democrats put up only the most perfunctory of fights over it.  Imagine all of the delicious things the Democrats can declare as an emergency once we have the Presidency!  I vote for the climate crisis, myself.

Now playing

It’s sometimes important to stop and remind ourselves that, as much as the institutional Democratic Party is still haunted by the ghost of Walter Mondale and the drubbing they took in the ‘84 election, we have dragged the party a long way in the right direction over the last 20 years. It doesn’t feel like it at times,

Awww, poor widdle criminal snowflake, he got TREATED like a CRIMINAL! What’s this world coming to?

This is what happens when you mix sexism, Islamophobia, and some plain old fashioned mansplaining all into one stupid package.

Israel’s treatment of Palestinians is disgusting. It’s blatant, violent apartheid. It’s not anti-Semitic to call Israel out on their bullshit and I wish more lawmakers in the US would fucking grow a pair 

I can’t wait for all the replies about how not supporting Israel, you are the real Nazi.