
I hope the ACLU is cooking up a 4th Amendment-based challenge...

By definition, “America isn’t ready” is the refrain of conservative ideology. “Conservative” means “resistant to change.” Furthermore, “conservative” can be extrapolated to “fear.” Fear of change, fear of the other, fear of the outside, and fear of loss of control.

Rep. Tlaib really should have gone with daughterfucker.

Oh screw off with you. If you have trouble making up your mind whether nazis and their sympathizers are good or bad people why don’t you go watch some post-WWII documentaries from mid-1940s Europe.

I was talking with a coworker a while back. We got on the subject. He’s fairly pacifistic. He asked me how I’d respond to a “alt-right” person.

For that person who wrote that note to the girl trying to be nice to “Nazis” and anyone who thinks Nazi’s should be given a benefit of a doubt should watch 1000 hours and participate in learning about the Holocaust because fuck them being “Neutral” when literally a world war of intolerance happened.

Trump is the culmination of decades of republican cruelty and race baiting. He is the ultimate republican and hopefully he will be the last republican president. Anyone who still calls themselves a republican has just outwardly embraced the fascism that is the core of republicanism since Nixon. They should all go to

Romney's votes will show exactly how full of shit he is. (Hint: his shit doth overfloweth.)

He went 70 years of his life without ever being told “No”. He’s an example of what happens when a human is brought up completely spoiled. It shouldn’t even be possible, one of the countless bankruptcy judges should have nailed him to a wall ages ago, specially after his 4th or 5th business went under.

What a decrepit little pissant scumlicker diddlyboob he’s become. Nosferudy, this is your life!

He would have been fraged in boot camp.

He is waterboarded to death. Trump gives his eulogy. Lynne Cheney, fed up, shoots Trump, wounding him only but putting him in a coma he won’t wake up from. While she’s in jail, Donj and Eric come up with a scheme to get arrested and join her in a women’s prison for revenge. Both are immediately discovered and put in

Definitely not bringing someone out of the greys, so I’ll leave this here.

known in design circle as the “Freudian clip”.

It is literally impossible to leave politics anywhere, because politics govern basically everything in your life. The idea that you can separate the politics of any given subject from the subject itself is a giant con the political elite have sold to keep rubes like you from recognizing the effect they have on

I love how this moron STILL thinks he can use the same tactics with sovereign nations as he employed in bullying, say, a drywall contractor from Jersey.

You aren’t by any chance one of those diaper-wearing fanboys that hates TLJ and anything else Adam Driver is in? TMWKDQ did indeed get very mixed reviews and even critics who liked it gave the film mixed reviews (depending on which portion one was viewing at the moment). But with few exceptions, both Driver and Pryce