

“Can we sell our souls to Satan to convince him to send demons to possess GOP senators”

No, the gun is also most definitely the problem. See, american gun culture in and of itself is a mental illness. Period. The fetishization and power tripping that I’ve witnessed from -every single gun nut- is clear, and that source is most assuredly guns.

Christian Fundies and their Christian Freedom to Discriminate with Extremist Prejudice Rules”

Pedophile Prez is trying to distract from something.

Honorable mention:

Atkin’s horseshit all over again.

“f all you’ve seen of Atkinson is Mr. Bean....”

Either read the Constitution or fuck off, Nazi.

Shoot the fucker.

Natural gas leak is my guess.

Let’s not lay down and hand it over to them, death in this case should not come without a fight.  

This should be the day the civil war starts.

Shoot the fucker.

Yeah, I’d probably blame this more on announcers giving more sponsor shout outs than talking about the players.

Pelosi needs to get the fuck out, take your suitcase (Schumer) with you.

Well obviously Pence completely missed his self flagellation hour.

Campbell should have said she has a gluten allergy, because that guy looks like the epitome of white bread (or at least the model following Pence).

Now playing

Shocking (Quickening?) that this hasn’t been posted yet.

Surprise, surprise, gamers are trash.