
Don’t even try and talk any sense. This site is populated by purely angry IT workers who are too afraid of motorcycles and can’t afford the sports cars they constantly complain about anyway. There’s a few that will brag about their 300cc twin sport bike and how it can outrun a Corvette from a stop light maybe.

Great point. All the “OK Boomer” comments seem to overlook the fact that the people building the bikes are probably not Baby Boomers. The YOUNGEST  Baby Boomers are now 56 or 57 years old.  So keep trashing HD.  Maybe one of your friends will lose their job as a result.  

Counterpoint to all of you who apparently would experience great joy if HD fails:

David will read your message like this:

Love it. Would drive. But the shag needs to go - getting sand and seaweed out of shag would be an exercise in futility. And man would it smell. I’m seeing some water-proofed hard wood flooring maybe? Make it look like the deck of a ship. 

When that Volt first appeared I thought the Matrix glitched.  Like, did I really just see that.  

Poor Volt.

Bless you, my child, for your post made me laugh.

You all have neglected the quintessential American car. The car that most non-car people can recognize: the 1957 Chevrolet Bel-Air, or ‘57 Chevy.

When asked how they felt after the crash, the driver was quoted as saying “blue da ba dee da ba dye”

Of all the retro looks....  this could be a hit.

Give GM some credibility back.

December 2002, bought mine off a used car lot. It was an auto and a V6, ew.

The direct front view is not the best, but all the others look good to my eye.

Pedants of the world, untie! 

That decent craft...

I guess he became a UK fan after UofL took his name off of the stadium. We UK fans were not consulted on his change of fandom.

I’m more upset about the twist at the beginning of the movie, where it turns out this isn’t a Firefly movie.

Just ask them if they're boring or REALLY boring. Determine model on that basis.