
If only I could chase my Tesla shots with an ice cold Zima!

M. Night is going to direct it, and the trailer’s not going to reveal the twist is, that it’s a buddy road trip movie.  I’m calling it.

WHAT? You’re telling me none of the Jay and Silent Bob movies have won Best Picture. Next you’re going to say no Godzilla or King Kong movie has ever won Best Picture.

I like it, but I question having the instrument panels actually sticking up and blocking the bottom of the windshield.

Who wantz 2 do read on teh phone screenz n e waze?

When red lines appear under words, like in your headline, that’s a misspelled word.

No, missle.

Someone do a welfare check on Torch, I think he might have bumped his head while shooting out of a flaming Changli. 

Throw in insurance fraud. Especially the ones with the keys. I picture Jerry Seinfeld getting out, tossing the keys in, and walking away.  They probably have B.O.

Great article, but it was the Pontiac Grand Prix that was on the g- body platform, not the Bonneville.

What about the rumor I heard that they were going to partner with FiatChryslerStellanis on using the turbo-encabulator?

It was Trevor, he was drunk, and seemed a little pissed as well.  Good luck finding him, though.

Pfft, with V2V communications on 5G and autonomous driving cars, this whole issue is going to be moot in 2 years.

Chevrolet did the same thing with the Volt back in 2011.

I feel . . . chain link fence isn’t a material that should be used on a car.

I just had to point out that this particular Toyota Crown wagon is wearing

You could start a charity. The “Free Jeep Rescue” and get a bunch of volunteers to help you curate Jeeps from around the nation. Heck you might get the title “Jeep King”.

I like the cut of your jib.

This guy thought Nissan did a pretty good job.

Now I’m 1000% sure the roaches will be driving Camrys after nuclear winter blows over. Otherwise, great review!