
I also heard he was booted by the alleged grownups & didn’t actually resign, but I can’t confirm that yet.

Just one weekend without the idiot ruining stuff!

it’s worse than that

Well Arpaio is a racist criminal so of course Trump likes him, its his favorite constituency.

Arpaio is white and his crime was against brown people. That’s justice in Trump’s eyes.

I guess, in Hemmings’s case, he didn’t, since he only left work for six-and-a-half hours a day. You would have to be married to it, I guess.

The forgotten fifth member of Poison?

Yeah, that poodle hair is not doing her any favors.

If Dee Snider and 80s Stevie Nicks (which is what she might be actually going for) had a child that would be it. Peep the soft lens.

Oh please...The GOP has been running on a platform of dog-whistle racism for years now. And some of the Republicans who did condemn the Nazis and white supremacists were fairly milquetoast in their responses.

Lol oh shit. You’re right.

Picked up the Deus Ex Mankind Divided DLC on sale this past week. Already played the first, and now I’m on to System Rift. Loving it so far. The power fantasy of these games is really up my alley. Makes me want to go black and play the original Deus Ex games.

I try not to engage them. They clearly don’t care about facts or the truth. In my eyes they are incredibly dishonest people. There is nothing to be gained. Nothing will change their minds. Nothing.

I have been having a lot of back and forth with people who support Trump. Even when I bring up his split-personality (attack all those opposing him one day then unity and healing the next) and his various lies (border wall financing, healthcare bill that can’t miss, covfefe, no vacations), they still stick up for this

Taylor Swift is the musical equivalent of Fireball Whiskey...popular..artificially sweet..terrible.

Of course.

I think some of the cops were mad that they couldn’t get time off to hold tiki torches.

Well, of course they didn’t do anything; he’s a white dude expressing racial hatred. It’s not like he did anything, you know, dangerous, like existing as a person of color.

This, boys & girls, is what we like to call “a false equivalency.”