
As Starship Troopers proved, no matter how obvious and clear a Satire is there will always be people who take it at face value.


I’m so confused that people are confused about this.

Personally, I’m thinking do we actually need it to build to something? I’m kind of getting tired of every show or movie just feeling like a set up for the next one and the next one. Moon Knight was just fine without being connected to anything.

I loved season one, enjoyed season two, and quit season three halfway through because it was so bad. I'll check this out, but I hope they put out a video explaining what happened in the previous season for those of us who didn't stick it out, because I'm definitely not going to try again.

Or even better, Wakanda like in the comics. There are some choice jokes in the comics about Bruno’s Wakandan friends coming back with him to visit and treating Jersey the same way white voluntourists treat African countries. It’s so primitive! Get a pic of me helping these underprivileged Americans!

I am really finding this show fascinating. I love that Marvel is taking serious time and care to tell a proper cultural story in the middle of their superhero canon without falling back on tropes or cliches.

That would effectively ruin the show for me. Might as well have Gene Cousinou jump a shark after that.

The idea of Barry and Fuches begrudgingly teaming up yet again to escape prison sounds tantalizing. 

Yeah, I was thinking about that. It’s been kind of hard to keep track of the details of Barry’s various murders, thanks to the years-long break before this season, but all they have on Barry for Janice’s murder is what Cousineau told Papa Moss, right? And all Cousineau knows is what Fuches told him. So you have Person

How about the cool choice of not having any subtitles for us when Cristobal’s wife was talking to him. They weren’t necessary.

Spectacular and gutting episode. Shit is so much scarier when you can’t see it. Hader outdid himself this season, both in acting and directing.

Ugh, I really liked this show (and especially Cristin Milioti; HIMYM did her way wrong). I even got a survey from HBO Max about it and I sang its praises! I guess my positive feedback wasn’t enough.

Too bad—I really liked the show and even though season 2 seemed a little disorganized, I would’ve liked to see a third season.

You forgot about the Jewish space lasers. You ALMOST had bingo!

Lol’ing @ Thomas daring to say “When you lose that trust...”. Clarence my man, might I suggest a trip outside your insulated bubble to talk to real American human beings instead of people who literally get paid to fawn over you?   You guys lost that trust years ago...

Trust in this court was lost when McConnell packed it for nearly a year, and then reversed his alleged rationale for that packing in order to replace a justice in just a few weeks.  While Gorsuch and Barrett sit in that building it will remain a joke.

I want to let Clarence Thomas know that if he really hates it so much, he can quit. Feel free, dude.

It’s past time the Supreme Court operate out in the open. They’re paid by the People for the People. The People deserve to know how things operate for any matters not deemed protected by national security. Full stop. That’s just too damn bad if that makes life uncomfortable for the SC Justices. They are welcome to