
They say this every time, yet they never seem to be able to find the time. When is the time? Let us know and we’ll mark it on the calendar. Otherwise, just say never and we’ll plan accordingly.

When Sandy Hook happened I thought we might finally do something meaningful about gun control in this country.

When Sandy Hook happened I thought we might finally do something meaningful about gun control in this country. Because it was preventable just like this tragedy was preventable and the next one will be, too. But no. Republicans would rather sacrifice children to the cult of the NRA and the Second Amendment than even

I fucking can’t with this. Sandy Hook couldn’t change anything. My friends being murdered in Pulse couldn’t change anything. I really don’t think anything can change this or stop this, at least not anything American politicians would consider and the American public would allow. And so all of these people and goddamn

It’s OK to speak out against bigotry.

Laws have recently been put in place to deny trans people rights.

Transphobic can also mean hating trans people.

It’s not even “not being an asshole,” it’s “not being a bigot.”

No, just own it. You did say that to minimize the issue, you heartless troll.

But if you take out ALL the women, because they aren’t real people anyway, it’s 0%, which is good. When you pick your facts, why stop at racism?


…just your regular reminder that stand-ups will always band together because “being allowed to say whatever I want on stage” always trumps “ not being an asshole”

Also, horses are expensive, not just to buy, but to house and feed and care for. Was he going to pay for that, too? Like, exactly how much money was he willing to put up for what would have in any case been unbearable sex not worth it at any price? I just want to know what his top offer was.

I am shocked

who’s is the guy bringing us to space? whom nasa needs? whom changed space flight? whom revolutionized the electric car and battery?

I just came across this pathetic piece of journalism. You’re just some hateful leftist who is calling a billionaire broke? Shameless lol.

TechCrunch pointed out this morning that Musk signed a non-disparagement agreement when he put in his offer, and it’s increasingly evident that he either doesn’t know what that means or lacks impulse control. He’s clearly trying to drive down the stock price so he can renegotiate, but I hope Twitter holds the line and

If there is one thing and one thing only that I have learned as a passive, mostly uninterested observer in all of this, it’s that Elon Musk is not nearly as smart, business savvy, or tech inclined as I assumed he was. He has demonstrated in a dozen different ways that he has absolutely no idea about what’s going on

It’s been said a thousand times; just because he has money doesn’t make him smart.  Dude’s a dipshit.