
Frank LaRose gets no credit for proposing something he knew full well would fail. He’s also the asshole who said that installing additional ballot boxes around the state would be unconstitutional, and just nixed the other proposed option to place ballot dropboxes at county libraries.

Chris Evans has been really open about his struggles with anxiety and I just honestly felt bad for him. It was a fuck-up anyone could have made, and I found it genuinely sweet that so many people started flooding Twitter with pictures of him and his dog to drown out the earlier tweets.

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 800-273-8255

NOOOO!!!!!!!!! *sobs*

At this point? Both.

I had recurring jellyfish nightmares for YEARS after watching this. It was terrifying to 10-year-old me.

Turns out the 17 year old murderer was front and fucking center at a Trump rally in January. Because of fucking course. 

Katie Porter is my fucking hero.

Yep, felt this. “We’re only judging and shaming you because we’re afraid others will judge and shame you.”

Ugh of course hahaha

This is amazing. I can’t wait to see him in a universe where he can curse.

Hi Jill,

This just seems so stupidly short sighed on the part of Conde Nast/BA. I used to watch at least one of the BA videos daily as my daily inoculation against COVID-induced depression, but stopped as soon as their shitty practices came to light; the fact that they offered the BIPOC talent so much less even AFTER

80s/90s kid rite of passage

Oh god. I winced for your poor hair 😂

I was on a wine tour in Italy, and was a little worse for wear. Crouched down to take what my drunk ass insisted would be an artsy photo, and lost my balance. Put my arm out behind me to catch myself and failed epically. Stood up to brush of the embarrassment, and was perplexed as to where all of the blood was coming

My quarantine impulse-buy was an ice cream maker and it was such a fantastic decision even *before* I read this. That frozen G&T recipe looks divine -- may experiment with a frozen Negroni-type concoction, too..

This has been the worst week and this article just made my fucking day. Thank you for doing the lord’s work, Emily.

Ugh, that’s a great point. Also, if students stay home, they won’t have to navigate absentee ballot stuff to vote.

That ICE decision is so fucking short sighted and cruel. Many colleges rely on international students to pay full tuition, which allows them them to grant additional aid to US students. Schools are going to be forced to hold in person classes and put hundreds of thousands of people at unnecessary risk, or risk losing