
The BA videos have been one of the bright spots in these last few months, and anyone who’s watched more than a handful of episodes knows that Sohla and Gabby are goddamn treasures. That they weren’t getting compensated for their NUMEROUS appearances was ridiculous; that someone of Sohla’s background was making 50k in

Y’all, it certainly seems like a certain Republican Senator may actually be outed by a circle of DC sex workers (see “Lady G” trending on Twitter).

Thanks, Claire. In addition to *gestures broadly at everything* we’ve gotten some upsetting family news and my stomach’s been queasy for two days. Going to try some Campari and seltzer. I have some matcha, too, now that I think of it..

“I yield my time, FUCK YOU.” is up there with my favorites so far.

I never considered chocolate+matcha but I have all of these ingredients in the house -- definitely this weekend’s stress bake!

The only way I’ll accept this is if they make Jennifer Connelly the new Goblin King.

It’s an absolute crime that the apps regularly charge anywhere from $3-$5 in fees, on top of the app’s delivery fee (which is NOT the tip!), and then still take 20-30% from the restaurants. UberEats was allowing people at some point (maybe they still are?) to donate dollars directly to the restaurant, which a) is

I know -- I’ve held out so long, but I’ll 100% sign up for this.

For some reason I always thought carbonara was too tricky to make at home (maybe because so many restaurants make their carbonara with a cream sauce instead of just eggs?).

This was a lovely escape that made my heart hurt a little bit knowing that the ability to travel is going to remain so limited for a while :(

Ghirardelli is always our (adult) household’s choice, but there is also a vast difference between the “Double Chocolate” option in grocery stores and the even more superior “Triple Chocolate” ones available at Costco.

Seeing as I didn’t fall asleep until 4am for the third night in a row last night, this is timely and much appreciated. 

Ugh I needed this today. The higher ups are so panicked about everyone working from home that they want list of everything we complete each day, and I feel like all that does is make me hit a wall even earlier in the day.

Jesus, Joan. This is both the most beautiful and most heartbreaking thing I’ve read in a long time.

Didn’t buy anything fancy, but I’m leaning into stress baking. I can’t for the life of me get my macarons to have feet when I use cocoa powder in the batter, but a) they taste better that way so I don’t care that much and b) they’re really just a vector for bourbon ganache anyway.

We have them too and I literally didn’t even know data caps for home internet were a thing.

I’m at a university too, with the same stipulations — staff members are to report as normal. How anyone thinks this is a good idea is beyond me.

You ran a good race, and in truth you had my vote. I loved all your plans. I thought you owned the debate stage. I thought you crushed Bloomberg back to baby status in his first debate but unfortunately, you suffer from what many African Americans suffer from: You aren’t a white man.


Ugh, damn. I adore this show. I’m glad they had enough notice to wrap it up properly, and that they’re doing one more musical episode. I still tear up when thinking about the “Take on Me” tribute to Quentin.