
Rafi, love, I’m taking the damn win.

Y’all, voter turnout in Cuyahoga County (Cleveland) broke 53% - the highest midterm turnout in over a decade, and smashing the pants off of 2014's 39%! I am so freaking scared to hope.

I obviously want the Dems to take the Senate.

Please please please please to all the gods holy and unholy, let Ted Cruz lose.

I started writing a response to this four times and just... gah.

What the actual fuck. 

Dear lord, this looks incredible. Just how decadent *was* it?

The shooter is a confirmed white male, who was taken alive while telling the police “all these Jews must die.”

This is the correct answer.

With all of this shit I have to wonder if someone already did that and *we’re* the ones in the fucked timeline.

I feel fucking terrible for Dr. Blasey Ford.

Of course it was a sham. We knew that as soon as they declined to interview Ford or Kavanaugh themselves. 

Thanks!! :)

Thank you!!

TIL that hubs and I share an anniversary with the Obamas, a fact that I will cherish in my cold, cynical heart.

This is all just confirming that we live in the darkest, stupidest timeline.

The night is dark and full of gimmicks.

OMG I completely forgot he was in Alias!!!

First: Rocket is a *rabbit.* Just ask Thor.

Getting caught up on The Good Place and testing out a very, very large batch of Claire’s Dark and Stormy recipe.