
Great timing, Claire. Was planning to get incredibly drunk tonight to forget this week, and this will be an enjoyable way to do it.

Yep, 100%. It’s the same reason I couldn’t watch the one Trump/Hillary debate where he was stalking around behind her. I’ve lived through that shit enough to recognize it exactly for what it is.

Ugh, I’m nauseous. The crazy aggression paired with this weepy “Why me?” crap is both disgusting and reminiscent of abuser behavior.

I can’t even watch it - just reading the live blogs/updates is enough to have me a teary, quivering mess at my desk. I want so much to be righteously angry instead, but I can’t manage it today. I am in awe of Dr. Blasey Ford’s bravery.

Yeah, one of his exes said that Judge himself corroborated exactly what Swetnick is saying. 

Her statement is hard to read, and, importantly, incredibly specific and damning. She mentions other witnesses willing to speak, she’s worked in the government for years and holds multiple security clearances, and she submitted a sworn affidavit.

That entire statement is incredibly damning, and this is also a woman who’s worked in the government, has security clearances, etc.

Slow clap. Take your star.

Renate Schroeder Dolphin, was named on his yearbook page, part of a group of football players’ “unsubstantiated boasting about their conquests,” the Times gently put it.

I have a special place in my heart for the George Eastman House (the oldest museum dedicated to photography). They usually have fantastic exhibits going on, and the grounds are beautiful in all seasons.

As someone who was repeatedly harassed by men (both who worked with me and some customers) when working at Starbucks, Ms. Fonda, please don’t give them any ideas. A change of job doesn’t equal a change in assholery.

Jackson’s already saying he’ll “have to review the tapes” before deciding who will QB the next game. Because constantly making QBs battle each other for starting privileges has worked out SO WELL FOR US in the past.

I’m going to see it (alone!) on Sunday morning and am so damn excited. Also excited that, as of today, I’m the only one who booked a seat in the theater.

I’m torn between being terrified she won’t go on Monday, meaning the GOP won’t budge about the deadline and will force a vote to confirm him, and the fact that this poor woman and her family had to leave their home because they are receiving death threats, and of fucking course I can’t blame her for not playing their

Still no Steven Universe season 5? :(

Same thing happened at the show I attended. They also didn’t sing “Mr. Jones,” so the entire crowd then sang it together on the way to the parking lot. That was actually kind of awesome haha.

I genuinely like their older stuff (get off my lawn!), and saw them in concert when they co-headlined with the Counting Crows (friend went for them, I went for CC). They were honestly pretty great live, and will probably put on a decent show. The Crows, however, not so much (sigh).

V. jealous of that bar, Claire.


Sending all the good vibes in the world to Dr. Ford. No woman deserves what happened to her, or what she’s going through now.